- Keywords continuous flowing analyzer;volatilize cyanides;water; 连续流动分析仪;氰化物;水体;
- volatilize cyanides 氰化物
- Determination of total cyanides content. 英文名称: Testing water:.
- This type of cement can easily volatilize or dry. 这种水泥很容易挥发或干燥。
- First, contaminants volatilize out of groundwater. 首先,污染物从地下水中挥发出来,变成蒸气。
- In summer, make up whether can water volatilize like perfume? 在夏天,化妆水是否会像香水一样挥发呢?
- One, of coating always organic volatilize quantity (VOC) . 一、涂料的总有机挥发量(VOC)。
- Resisting the balance backset current boiling point, the ones that reduce and brake oil volatilize effectively. 搞平衡回流沸点,有效减少刹车油的挥发。
- Those who pass period of time is ventilated volatilize with respect to problem of it doesn't matter. 经过一段时间的通风挥发就没什么问题了。
- The easy to operate security, incombustible, does not volatilize, does not have the stimulation to the human body. 使用方便安全,不燃烧、不挥发、对人体无刺激。
- High temperature enables harmful ingredients to volatilize during blending, hence healthier the liquor quality. 显然高温接酒酒中的有害物质也就挥发掉了。
- Through an analysis on the varieties of toxicants we discovered that most of the intoxication are due to organophosphorus pesticides, cyanides, poisonous plants and animals. 毒物种类以有机磷农药、氰化物和有毒动、植物中毒最多见,与欧美等国家比较有显著差别。
- After you uncap the perfume, the aroma will easily volatilize so use the perfume as soon as possible. 开盖后香水的香气会挥发,所以请尽快使用。
- Repair at this moment, moisture continues to volatilize, metope still continues likely craze. 这时修补,水分继续挥发,墙面仍有可能继续开裂。
- In this dissertation, the efforts were focused on asymmetric cyanation of aldehydes using EtOCOCN as cyanid sourc to afford a series of useful and creative results. 羰基化合物的不对称腈化反应是制备光学活性氰醇的最直接和最有效的方法之一。
- Automatic cycle equipment of strong cement and sealed cement store equipment the strong cement can teasily volatilize or dry. 强力胶自动循环装置及密封贮胶室、强力胶不宜挥发或干涸。
- If perfume is put long, won't harmful to the body, but aroma can volatilize, after unsealing, use as soon as possible please. 香水若放久了,不会对身体有害,但香气会挥发掉,开封后,请尽快使用。
- "We propose that rice expressing the enzyme will volatilize arsenic, producing rice grains with reduced arsenic content," Rosen says. 罗森说:“我们认为,稻米中有这种酶就会挥发砷,生产出的稻米砷的含量自然就会少。”
- Clew: The makeup that contains alcohol part water makes moisture volatilize, dry skin is a bit further from it still had better. 提示:含有酒精成分的化妆水促使水分挥发,干燥的皮肤还是离它远一点为妙。
- In shoemaking roast process, mix benzene to volatilize in great quantities, cause serious pollution to producing workshop and circumjacent environment. 在制鞋烘烤过程 ,混苯大量挥发 ,对生产车间及周边环境造成严重污染。