- volatile data base 临时数据库
- In a data base, the smallest unit of data that can be referred to. 在数据库中,可被访问的最小数据单位。
- The overall logical organization of a data base. 一种数据库的总体的逻辑结构。
- Principle and application of engineering data base. 工程数据库原理及应用。
- The demonstration program of data base query. 数据库查询示例程序
- One moment. While we connect our data base. 稍等,连接数据库。
- Data Base Error reading sector on hard disk. 在硬碟上有错误的磁区而阻碍正确档案的读取。
- In data base terminology, a single instance, for example, a set occurrence, a record occurrence. 在数据库术语中,一个单一实例,例如,一组具体值,一个记录的具体值。
- If you are storing only small amounts of volatile data in session state, it is recommended that you use the in-process provider. 如果只在会话状态中存储少量易失数据,则建议您使用进程内提供程序。
- In a relation data base, the number of tuples in a relation. 关系数据库中,一个关系的元组数目。
- A logical sub-division of a data base that contains all occurrences of stipulated data aggregates. 数据库中的一种逻辑子域,它包含了有约定的数据的聚集的全部(具体)值。
- In a data base,the smallest unit of data that can be referred to. 在数据库中,可被访问的最小数据单位。
- A name used to identify the data unit in a data base. 用于标识数据库中数据单位的名字。
- They're called "thin" because they are generally less complex and less expensive than PCs.They also cost less to support;and they're "stateless" machines that rely on servers to store all volatile data and software. 之所以被叫成“瘦”,是因为它们通常没有PC机复杂,也便宜,支持它们的费用也低,它们都是“无主”的机器,依靠服务器存储所有易失性数据和软件。
- Compared with the previous version, perfected Turkish data base. 与前一版本相比完善了土耳其语文本库。
- The newly built library has a data base of thousands of subjects. 这个新建成的图书馆有成千上万种学科的数据库。
- Proficiency with data based problem solving. 熟练运用基于数据的问题解决方法。
- Are Those the Works of Plaintiff's Electronic Data Base? 原告的电子数据库是作品吗?
- Establishment and design of sedan marketing data base. 轿车市场营销数据库的建立与设计。
- The research that the MySQL data base structures rationally in MIS. MIS中使用MySQL数据库合理构建的研究。