- Voiced obstruent tone II merged into IB: Lishui. 全浊上归阳平:丽水。
- From OQ curves, aspirate voiceless and voiced obstruents bring to higher OQ, while voiceless ones cause lower OQ. 仙居话的三类塞音的后接元音段开商值有着明显的区分度,分别为浊内爆音:紧喉嗓音;
- After tone IIA, the onset of a voiced obstruent tone II syllable is changed to a voiceless unaspirated sound. 全浊上字读阴上后全浊声母变为不送气清音。
- Voiced obstruent tone II merged into IIIB: Quzhou, Kaihua, some Pucheng syllables. 全浊上归阳去:衢州,开化,浦城部分字。
- Only Shangshan sub-group of Shangli group, except for Kaihua, had no change, and Oujiang group's voiced obstruent tone II had no change. 只是上丽片的上山小片除开化外都没有发生变化,瓯江片的全浊上都没有发生变化。
- But voiced obstruent devoicing in Wuyu is not an individual phenomenon. In dialects of Jinhua and Quzhou, nominally voiced obstruents can not uncommonly be recorded as voiceless onsets. 但全浊声母清化在吴语里已不是个别现象,金华、衢州一带方言的所谓全浊声母不少也可以记作清声母。
- Hardly a whisper of concern has been voiced. 没有人表示过一点点的关心。
- 6. Voiced obstruent tone II merged into IIIB: Quzhou, Kaihua, some Pucheng syllables. 全浊上归阳去:衢州,开化,浦城部分字。
- The spokesman voiced the feeling of the crowd. 这位发言人表达了群众的感情。
- A spokesman voiced the workers'dissatisfaction. 发言人表示了工人的不满情绪。
- Each job is in voiced separately. 每个工种分别开发票。
- James voiced the conventional wisdom about it. 詹姆士说了对此事的一般看法。
- Capable of being voiced or spoken. 发声的能发出声音或说出的
- voiced obstruents 全浊音
- The workers voiced their indignation at being unfairly dismissed. 对被不公平解雇一事工人们表示愤慨。
- They voiced their approval of the plan. 他们对这项计划表示赞成。
- The chairman voiced all our feelings. 主席表达了我们的全部感情。
- He voiced the feelings of the crowd. 他表达出群众的情绪。
- People younger than middle age pronounce all voiced onset tone II syllables (both obstruents and sonorants) as IIA [434]. 中年以下的人浊上(包括次浊上和全浊上)字全部读作阴上[434]。
- Ares (voiced by Gaea): Fight, Spartan. 阿瑞斯(盖亚的声音):战斗吧,斯巴达勇士。