- vocal collective class 声乐集体课
- Angel Heart Vocal Collection Vol. 天使心插曲。
- Is a simple collection class that stores the days of the week as strings. 类是将一周中的各天作为字符串进行存储的简单集合类。
- collective class of digital piano 数码钢琴集体课
- Can be used to create a collection or can be inherited from to define a strongly-typed collection class. 创建一个集合,也可以从其进行继承以定义强类型集合类。
- Even though it's easy to use, a collection class performs poorly when used as a dynamic array. 尽管集合类易于使用,但在用作动态数组时其性能很差。
- Is a highly convenient collection class that can be used without modification to store any reference or value type. 是一个使用起来非常方便的集合类,无需进行修改即可用来存储任何引用或值类型。
- Enhancment of the VB Collection Object - This class module is a good example of a user-defined collection class. 这个类模块是一个很好的用户定义的集合类的示例。
- It contains all the functionality of a Collection class (plus more) but none of the overhead. 它包括一个集合类(加上更多)所有的功能,但没有增加开销。
- If constructors, copy constructors, assignment and other things are added then the collection class becomes slower. 如果增加了构造函数,拷贝构造函数,赋值和其它功能,这样集合类的速度会变慢。
- Pary Final Fantasy Vocal Collection 1 Pray 最终幻想歌曲集1
- Let's collect the sap before its consolidation into a hard mass. 让我们在树液坚固成团之前将之收集起来。
- I like instrumental music better than vocal music. 我喜欢器乐胜于声乐。
- The collection class has a higher order function that takes a functor as parameter and internally applies it to every member of the collection. 集合类有一个高阶函数,后者以一个仿函数作为参数并在内部对集合的每一个成员应用它。
- For example, the Item property is a good choice for the default property of a collection class because it is used frequently. 例如,Item属性就非常适合作为集合类的默认属性,因为它经常被使用。
- Today the young are much more vocal. 现今年轻人比过去更为大胆地表述自己的意见。
- He composed both vocal and instrumental music. 他既谱写声乐曲也谱写器乐曲。
- A collection class is also designed to work like a dictionary, so if you need something more like a Stack or Queue, it's not a good fit. 集合类还可像字典一样工作,所以如果您需要更像Stack或Queue这样的结构,它并不是很适合。
- I must admit I am very fond of collect rare book. 我得承认我很喜欢海内珍本。
- I also learned the strength of the collective. 我还认识到了集体的力量。