- The vitality of the movement is threatened. 这个运动的生命力岌岌可危。
- Which is the Latent Vitality of Chinese Liquor? 白酒潜在的生命力在哪儿?
- Brand is the second vitality of the enterprise! 品牌是企业的第二生命力!
- To diminish or destroy the strength or vitality of. 使失去生命;使伤元气使生命失去生命力或使伤元气
- The mean vitality of pollen reaches 92%. 花粉生活力平均为92%25。
- Quality is in the vitality of enterprises. 本着质量是企业的生命力。
- We can make our lives has the vitality of spring. 我们可以让自己的生命拥有春日的生机。
- vitality of larvae 幼虫生命力
- Education is the most vital of all resources. 教育是所有资源里最根本的一项。
- The vitality of business in Hong Kong makes this city special. 香港商界魄力惊人,早已成为此地特色。
- Our motton is “ Quality is the first vitality of the enterprise. “质量为企业第一生命力”是我们办厂的宗旨。
- The vitality of our entire team from the ongoing study. 我们的活力源于整个团队的不断学习。
- Photo-period brings for the little effect on the diapause of larvae. 光周期对幼虫滞育的影响不大。
- This is where the vigor and vitality of the Party lies. 这是保持党的生机和活力的根本所在。
- Penetration of the stems and feeding of larvae are impaired by the structural characteristics of the plant. 植物借助结构特点来阻碍幼虫钻入茎杆和取食。
- The pulmonary migration of larvae is associated with fever, cough, occasionally hemoptysis. 蛔蚴肺部移行,可伴有发热、咳嗽、偶尔咯血。
- The otolith diameter of larva starvation group that could also be continual deposition under stagnated of body length. 饥饿组仔鱼在体长生长停止的情况下耳石仍能继续沉积。
- The results also showed that three solanum plants had no significant difference in the effect on the survival rate of larva and pupa, the fecundity of adults. 在3种茄科植物上,茄廿八星瓢虫幼虫取食量、成虫产卵量、幼虫及蛹的存活率均无显著差异,而在南瓜上存在显著差异。
- The inclusion on branches of ?Tilia? L. can directly influence the development and survival of larva. 椴树枝干的内含物直接影响着天牛幼虫的发育和存活
- Parasitoid' s incoming nutrients can come from nutritional accumulation of larva and adult feeding. 寄生蜂的营养主要来源于幼蜂体内营养积累和成蜂取食两个途径。