- vital problem; major issue 重大问题
- It is the vital problem for them . 对他们来说这是生死攸关的问题。
- Somehow I'm sensing that this time problem is a major issue with you. 你让我感觉时间是你的主要事情。
- So that's the major issue I think. 我认为这是主要问题。
- With the expansion of the productive forces,the problem of rural surplus labor emerged as a major issue. 随着生产力的发展,农村剩余劳动力的问题突出起来。
- Still, the major issue that has not been resolved is the issue of a vaccine and that is a major problem. 法奥西说:“目前还没有得到解决的仍然是疫苗问题,这是个大问题。
- Is a vital problem for the moralist, since at least half the sins of mankind are caused by fear of it. 无聊对于道德家是个重大的问题,因为人类的恶习至少有一半由对它的害怕引起。
- With the expansion of the productive forces, the problem of rural surplus labor emerged as a major issue. 随着生产力的发展,农村剩余劳动力的问题突出起来。
- Whether logic is monistic or pluralistic is considered as a vital problem of philosophy of logic. 摘要逻辑究竟是一还是多,这是逻辑哲学上的一个重要问题。金岳霖认为逻辑系统可以是多,而逻辑只能是一。
- We recognize that personal safety is a major issue for seniors. 我们认识到耆英的个人安全是一个大项目。
- Musicality, which is hard to define, is a major issue. 难以定义的音乐才能就是一个主要问题。
- Unripe technology and low degradation efficiency is the vital problem to deal with the refractory organic pollutant recently. 认为目前对难降解有机污染物的生物处理存在的关键问题是技术不够成熟,降解效率还不高。
- A major issue of the negotiations was repatriation of POWs. 和平谈判中争议分歧较大的主要是战俘遣返问题。
- So the vital problem of the combustion organization was translated into how to control the aperture of the adjusting valve properly. 于是燃烧组织问题转化为对该调节阀的开度如何施加适当控制的问题。
- KR: No, sometimes it can happen and we know what was the problem, not a major issue. 不。有时候会发生这种问题,我们了解问题所在,这并不是什么大不了的事情。
- Parents are involved in decision-making when schools settle vital problems. 学校在解决重要问题的时候,家长也参与决策。
- They tried to pin him down on major issues. 他们试图说服他就重大问题表明立场。
- The coal city employment and re - employment is a vital problem that rejuvenates the Northeast old industry base and develops continuous industry of resource - oriented city. 煤炭城市就业再就业是振兴东北老工业基地、实现资源型城市发展接续产业战略亟待解决的问题。
- Sovereign right problem still being in the people in monarch once was a undecided major issue. 主权在君还是在民的问题曾是一个悬而未决的重大问题。
- On the major issues, further exposition is needed. 重要的问题要加以论证。