- The Visual Design Principles of UI Design. 界面设计中的视觉设计规律。
- We focus on visual design of the brand for the value promotion and conveyance. 我们专注于品牌视觉设计,提升品牌价值强化品牌传播。
- The application of the VCL component is much helpful to the achievement of a rapid,reliable and visualized design for data acquisition software. 该VCL组件的应用有助于实现数据采集软件 的快速、可靠及可视化设计。
- Visual design typically plays one of the most significant roles in managing first impressions largely through color and image. 一般来说,视觉设计通过颜色和图像在第一印象方面起着最重要的作用。
- Practitioners of fine art and practitioners of visual design share a visual medium. 美术和视觉设计从业者都运用同样的媒介,即视觉。
- Do the changes impact the visual design or the usability and work flow of the form? 更改是否会影响窗体的视觉效果、易用性和工作流?
- The visual design surface is a container that hosts the form component (in Web Forms, the page component). 可视化设计图面是承载窗体组件(Web窗体中的页组件)的容器。
- Deeply attached to his artistic education background, Peter Ho enjoys photography, visual design and traveling. 何润东有深厚的艺术教育背景,尤其喜欢摄影、视觉设计和旅行。
- With the right visual design process, you can minimize the influence of subjectivity and guesswork. 正确的设计流程,能使你将主观性和猜测的影响降到最小。
- The shopfront and the show window are two important points in carrying out visual design of a fashion brand shop. 阐述了服装专卖店的发展、橱窗设计对于现代服装专卖店的重要性,以及橱窗设计的类型和原则。
- See, Erica says you need to have visual design, V-I-S-U-A-L visual D-E-S-I-G-N design, the way things look. 哎呀,你耐心一点!我敢担保她接下来一定会强调网页设计的科学性。
- Still, usability, typography and visual design are rarely overlooked and are often carefully executed. 尽管如此,可用性,版式和视觉设计很少被忽视,往往被认真完成。
- Web design, the art of developing for the web is something that goes beyond visual design. 网页设计是一种运用于开发网站的艺术,它是和视觉设计同步的。
- Pumice digital visual design industry is the application of technology services company. 浮石数码是设计行业视觉技术的应用服务公司。
- In terms of visual design, we refined the typography, button styles and fixed spacing and grid inconsistencies. 在视觉设计方面,我们重新规划了版面设计、按钮的风格,并确定了字符间隔及栅格的不一致。
- Provides design-time support in a visual designer for a Web Parts zone. 在可视化设计器中为Web部件区域提供设计时支持。
- There are three dominant paradigms in the conceptual and visual design of user interfaces: implementation-centric, metaphoric, and idiomatic. 用户界面的概念和可视化设计中主要有3类范例,即实现为中心范例、隐喻范例和习惯用法范例。
- A visual design tool such as Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 simplifies control development but is not essential for creating or building custom controls. 可视化设计工具(如Microsoft Visual Studio 2005)可以简化控件的开发过程,但并不是创建或生成自定义控件的必不可少的工具。
- With a visual design methodology, it is easy for development to express a problem and propose an alternative that is acceptable to the user community. 利用一种可视化设计方法,开发人员可以很容易地表达一个问题,并建议一个用户可接受的替代方式。
- Abstract This text introduces the basic Visual Design principles of User Interface design, including the screen layout, coordination, color design. 本文简述用户界面设计中的视觉设计的基本规律,包括屏幕布局,协调性和颜色设计等方面。