- visual information processor 直观信息处理器
- It also lets you capture more visual information. 它也可以让您采集更多的可视信息。
- VIDAC? Visual Information Display And Control? 直观信息显示器和控制器?
- VIDC? Visual Information Display and Control? 可视信息的显示与控制?
- Research on visual information services and the EISA architecture. 研究可视化的信息服务和可扩展的信息服务体系EISA。
- VIDR? Visual Information Display and Retrieval system? 可视信息的显示与检索系统?
- It is not a set of techniques, but a commitment.You are to be an information processor.Not a swami.Not a guru.An information processor. 很人性化,而不是僵化的,苛求完美的,有时不那么科学。
- The human brain is a superb pattern-processing computer, making sense of the dense quantities of visual information that bombard us everywhere we look. 人的大脑是一个超级模式处理计算机,能理解我们无论何时何地看到的这些高度密集的视觉信息。
- Computer systems can simultaneously transmit sound as well as visual information. 计算机系统可以同时传送声音和图象。
- Property is used to tell the client about what visual information an object contains. 属性用于向客户端告知对象包含的可视信息。
- For example, the occipital lobe processes visual information while the parietal lobe processes somatosensory information such as cutaneous pain or temperature (Fig 3.1). 比如说,枕叶负责处理视觉信息,而顶叶则负责处理机体感觉信号,例如皮肤痛觉或温度觉。
- Visual information take 70 percentage of the informaton abtained by humans from the outside world. 中国学者在计算机视觉与模式识别等方面的研究十分活跃。
- Audio is an important component in tele-conferencing for describing and clarifying visual information. 音频是远程会议中的一中重要组件,用于描述和阐述可视化信息。
- Contact your sales representative, or contact ITT Visual Information Solution for more information. 需要别外的许可,可视化信息解决小组。
- Research on AIS Information Processor AIS信息处理器的研究
- Like visual interface design, visual information design also has many principles that the prospective designer can use to his advantage. 和视觉界面设计一样,视觉信息设计也有很多设计者可以充分利用的原则。
- Dead Reckoning Information Processor 推测航行信息处理机
- In computing and communications, a device to display visual information, text or graphics, usually a CRT but may also include LED' s or plasma panels. 在计算和通信技术中,用于显示包括正文或图象的可视信息的一种设备,通常是一个阴极射线管(CRT),也可包括发光二极管(LED)或等离子板显示器。
- Display Information Processor System 显示信息处理系统
- It makes full use of the parallel processing ability of CNN,therefore the model is fast in dealing with visual information. 该模型充分利用了细胞神经网络的并行处理能力;具有快速性.