- Both the Recency and Loyalty reports are under Visitor Loyalty in the Visitors section. 无论是新近和忠诚度报告正在访问者忠诚度在参观一节。
- You can't put a price on that sort of loyalty. 那样的忠心是不能用金钱来衡量的。
- She asked that the visitor be brought before her. 她要求把访问者带到她的面前来
- The visitor left a little before noon. 来访者在中午前一会儿离开了。
- All the men took a vow of loyalty to their leader. 所有士兵都发誓效忠他们的指挥官。
- He is a frequent visitor to our house. 他是我们家的常客。
- She ushered the visitor into the room. 她把来访者引进屋子里。
- He was received as an honoured visitor. 他以贵宾的身分受到款待。
- He professed his loyalty to his country. 他宣称对他的国家忠诚。
- She was a frequent visitor to the gallery. 她经常参观这个美术馆。
- I am utterly convinced of your loyalty. 我完全相信你的忠诚。
- The general's loyalty to the king never wavered. 将军对国王的忠心从未动摇过。
- We all have a loyalty to the company. 我们对公司都有效忠的义务。
- This bird is an unusual winter visitor to Britain. 这种鸟很少冬季到英国来。
- Once he took the vow his loyalty never wavered. 他一旦宣了誓,他就一直忠贞不渝。
- Irene smiled falsely at her unwelcome visitor. 爱伦对不受欢迎的访客虚情假意地微笑。
- It is customary to welcome a visitor with a shake. 习惯上大家都握手迎接客人。
- He put a car and chauffeur at the visitor's service. 他派了汽车和司机,供客人使用。
- Don't allow personal loyalty to colour your judgement. 不要因讲义气而影响了你的判断。
- He affirmed his loyalty to his country. 他声言忠於自己的国家。