- Get more info just visit one of our sites. 更多信息请访问任意一个我们的网站。
- With no other way to amuse themselves, people can visit one another and become close friends. 大家没法消遣,只能彼此来往,关系就亲密了。
- The invaders had succeeded in - zing the country 's people. 侵略者使该国人民流离失所。
- To go out and come in before them, one who will lead them out and bring them in, so the LORD'S people will not be like sheep without a shepherd. 可以在他们面前出入,也可以引导他们,免得耶和华的会众如同没有牧人的羊群一般。
- As early as the 1870's people invented the electric lamp. 早在十九世纪七十年代人们就发明了电灯。
- The tour will visit one of the most inaccessible desert areas in the world. 该旅游团将要去的地区是世界上环境险恶的大沙漠之一。
- The invaders had succeeded in -zing the country 's people. 侵略者使该国人民流离失所。
- The tour will visit one of the most inaccessible desert areas in the world . 该旅游团将要去的地区是世界上环境险恶的大沙漠之一。
- What does the Datong-Yuncheng Expressway Bring to Shanxi's People? 大运建设将为三晋人民带来什么?
- Curious, I wrangled an invitation to visit one of these secluded cabins. 由于感到好奇,我争取到一次参观这些幽静的小木屋的邀请。
- Each time one of the Lord’s people brings honor to Him, or gives sacrificially to His work, it is recorded in heaven, and that one will be honored by the Lord. 每一次上帝子民尊崇祂,或为祂的工作牺牲奉献,在天上都会记录,上帝也必尊荣他。
- Sometimes I visited one of my old friends and communed with her for an hour or two. 有时我拜访某个老朋友,与她谈上一两个小时。
- Mopanshan reservoir is an important drinking water sources for Harbin s people. 磨盘山水库是哈尔滨市人民重要的饮用水源地。
- It is oftentimes practical that entities or their various personalities visit one plane before another. 实际情形时常是,实体们或他们的不同人格造访一个层面,接着造访另一个层面。
- Richard Baird, PwC's people chief, reckons that 12-15% is comfortable. 普华永道的人力资源主席RichardBaird估计12-15%25比较合适。
- The development of the communication technology of the network, mak e s people become more convenient, swifter to visit the exchange between the globa l information resources and network user. 网络通信技术的发展,使人们访问全球的信息资源及网络用户之间的交流变得更加方便、快捷。
- Every day, I would visit one sister or another and see a nephew or niece at the corner shop or in the market. 每天我都会在商店里或市场上碰到某个姐姐,或一个侄子或侄女。
- As of late Mila and Oa returned to visit one of their favorite botanical gardens upon Kauai. 最近,Mila和Oa再次拜访考艾岛上他们最喜欢的植物园之一。
- Visit one of the designated fever clinics (DFCs) and follow doctor's prescription. 尽早到指定流感诊所求诊,并遵从医生处方服药。
- Until the rains began to fail, the sheikh’s people lived amicably with the settled farmers. 雨水仍然充足的时候,酋长的牧民和定居的农人们一直和平共处。