- vision research laboratory 视觉研究实验室
- Media visit to the Food Research Laboratory. 传媒参观本署食物研究化验所。
- This is our new research laboratory. 这是我们新的研究实验室。
- IBM picked up three, two from its Zurich Research Laboratory alone. IBM曾摘得3项,仅其苏黎世研究实验室一家就占其中两项。
- The new product has been developed in the firm's research laboratory. 研究在实验室进行。
- The research laboratory is the natural training ground in experimental physics. 对于实验物理来说,研究实验室才是理所当然的训练场所。
- Alan was promoted to Director of the Western Research Laboratory in 1999. 1999年,Alan升任西方研究实验室(Western Research Laboratory,WRL)董事。
- Fisheye lens break the limit on the view field of the ordinary camera, and develop a new path for computer vision research and application. 摘要鱼眼镜头突破普通相机对视场的限制,然而它存在畸变。
- Boynton to bring together scientists from a variety of disciplines with the common goal of pursuing excellence in vision research. Boynton 带来科学家从各种各样的学科以追求优秀的共同目标在视觉研究。
- Their color vision research has also provided them with unique opportunities to discover the steps in the causal chain from the gene, to protein function, to neural signal. 他们的色彩视觉研究也提供了独特的机会,以发现由基因,蛋白质功能到神经信号之间的因果关系。
- In such a querysystem, a user who is not a computer vision research should beable to readily specify a novel query to the system and obtainthe desired results. 本论文利用多台摄影机设计一套即时视觉追踪系统,以改善单台摄影机拍摄视野有限之缺点。
- BTRL British Telecom Research Laboratories. 英国电信公司研究实验室。
- Marois, Tombu, Harrison and Tong are members of the Vanderbilt Vision Research Center and the Vanderbilt Center for Integrative and Cognitive Neurosciences. Marois,Tombu,Harrison和Tong是视觉研究中心和范德比尔特中心与认知神经科学中心的成员。
- Science Technical Research Laboratories of NHK. 放送技术研究所。
- And in the research laboratory, the laser will give us a new understanding of the fundamental nature of matter. 而在研究实验室中,激光将使我们对物质的本性得到新的认识。
- These ideas had actually been pioneered in a research laboratory by Xerox, down in Palo Alto in the 70's. 现在,实际上被有的这些主意在一间研究实验室中被提倡被影印,在70年代内在Palo次高音中下。
- These people set up a lab called the Great Lakes Environ-mental Research laboratory. 这些人建立了一个五大湖环境调查研究实验室。
- For many years, computer vision researchers have worked hard to incorporate prior knowledge and contextual information into vision systems. 多年来,电脑影像研究员都努力不懈地将先进的知识和背景的资料加入影像系统当中。
- My section at the Admiralty Research Laboratory was run superbly by Stephen Butterworth. 我所在的海军部研究实验室的那个组由斯蒂芬?巴特沃思出色的领导着。
- The IBM Zurich Research Laboratory has netted Nobel Prizes for the creation of the scanning tunneling microscope and high-temperature superconductivity. IBM苏黎士研究实验室曾以扫描穿隧显微镜与高温超导荣获诺贝尔奖,也是网路软硬体的开发重镇。