- Provide supervision and training to production related management team. 生产管理相关人员的培训和指导;
- Part 2, expatiating the stimulus for VMI, including the discussion of some related management theories, which back up the execution of VMI. 第二部分,阐述了VMI的发展动因,其中对支持VMI实施的相关管理理论进行了讨论。
- The development plan for the application of IC cards as well as related management methods were mapped out,thus promoting the development of the IC card industry in China. 制定了IC卡应用发展规划及相关管理办法,推动了智能卡产业的发展。
- The development plan for the application of IC cards as well as related management methods were mapped out, thus promoting the development of the IC card industry in China. 制定了ic卡应用发展规划及相关管理办法,推动了智能卡产业的发展。
- After they had been raised separa-tely for six months, the negative monkeys for B virus related antibodywere detected in IEA, 98.3% of them were still negative for B virusrelated antibody. 用IFA检查了B病毒相关抗体阴性的恒河猴,在单笼隔离饲养六个月后,有98.;3%25的动物B病毒相关抗体仍为阴性,表明IRA的阴性结果有较好的一致性。
- However, this International Standard enables an organization to align or integrate its own quality management system with related management system requirements. 然而本国际标准使组织能够将自身的质量管理体系与相关的管理体系要求结合或一体化.
- These Procedures apply to the planning, construction and use of parking lots (garages) within this Municipality's administrative area and to the related management activities. 本办法适用于本市行政区域内停车场(库)的规划、建设、使用及其相关管理活动。
- Sound employee relation management and subordinate development skill. 能处理好员工之间的关系并能提高部下的技能。
- SLCYV is considered to have arisen by recombination among viruses related to Tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus, Pepper leaf curl Bangladesh virus and another unidentified begomovirus. 其中,SLCYV是由泰国番茄黄化曲叶病毒(Tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus, TYLCTHV)、孟加拉胡椒曲叶病毒(Pepper leaf curl Bangladesh virus, PepLCBV)及另一未知病毒重组后形成的。
- The accountant can compare the actual operating result with the planned performance established in the budget, analyze the deviation between them, and report the deviation and corresponding analytical conclusions to the related management level. 会计人员可以将实际的经营结果与预算中计划的经营业绩相比较,分析两者之间的差异,并将差异和相应的分析结论以报告形式呈交给组织的管理层。
- hepatitis B virus related liver transplantation 乙肝相关性肝移植
- The concepts such as CIO (Chief Information Officer), CKO (Chief Knowledge Officer) and the related management ideas has brought new thoughts into the study of Information Management and New Knowledge economy studies . 信息主管CIO(Chief Information officer)、知识主管CKO(Chief Knowledge Officer) 等概念及相应的管理理念给信息管理研究领域及新知识经济研究带来了新的思想。
- He was promoted to public relation manager last year. 去年他被提升为公关部经理。
- Build GIS-based rban flood control and disaster diminishment information system,water resources assessment information system and related management information system in the field of hydrology and water resources. 在水文水资源领域内,应用GIS技术,建立城市防洪减灾信息系统,水资源评价信息系统,以及相关的管理应用信息系统。
- Set up Production Department. Make related management regulations and processes and guarantee the high productivity, standardization,orderliness and professionalism in manufacturing. 根据生产计划,领导生产团队在厂区工作,确保生产任务按期按质按量完成。
- As from now, Seidel's customers can apply to him for all matters concerning executive customer relations management. 从现在起,赛德尔的顾客,可以适用于他有关的所有事项执行客户关系管理。
- The paper introduced a complete and stronge usable customer relations management (CRM) system performance history. 论文介绍了一个较为完整、有较强实用性的客户关系管理(CRM)系统的开发过程。
- Foreign trade, foreign exchange and foreign economic relations management systems that conform to common international practices have initially formed. 初步形成符合国际惯例的外贸、外汇和涉外经济管理体制;
- A main feature of computer virus. 计算机病毒的一种主要特性。