- virtual property disputes 虚拟财产纠纷
- All this will lead to vexatious property disputes. 凡此种种,都会酿成令人烦恼的楼市纠纷。
- Property disputes gap their mutual trust. 财产争端动摇了他们的相互信任。
- As the disputes on network virtual property become more and more, it is high time for us to seek justification for the protection of virtual property. 摘要随着网络虚拟财产纠纷的不断出现,为网络虚拟财产寻求正当性解释成为虚拟财产法律保护的当务之急。
- Avoid property disputes or" in front of the shameful words"! 避免楼市纠纷还是“把丑话说在前面”好!
- Avoid property disputes or "in front of the shameful words"! 避免楼市纠纷还是“把丑话说在前面”好!
- Preface: discuss the background of crimes involving virtual property. 序言主要是讨论虚拟财产犯罪研究背景。
- Joshua Fairfield, Virtual Property, 85 B.U. L. REV. 1047, 1089 (2005). 寿步.;网络游戏虚拟物的财产权定位[J]
- With the development of the network games, the virtual properties of the games are becoming the foci causing disputes. 摘要随着网络游戏的发展,网络游戏中的虚拟财产成为纠纷发生的焦点之一。
- Emerging many property disputes with a property management degree of marketization is closely related to the lag. 目前出现的诸多物业纠纷很大程度上与物业管理市场化程度的滞后密切相关。
- The crux of the dispute in the litigation has risen property disputes? 纠纷诉讼逐年增多物业纠纷症结在哪里?
- According to different functions, there're 4 kinds of network virtual property: 1.E-mail Address 2.Numbers of IM(Instant Messenger) Software. 按照功能的不同;网络虚拟财产主要可分为以下四类:1.;电子邮件地址; 2
- Presently,people take two contrary views(affirmative and negative)on the attribute and legal protection of virtual property in on-line games. 关于网络游戏虚拟财产,对其是否具有财产属性以及是否予以法律保护的问题,目前肯定论与否定论这两种截然相反的观念交锋激烈。
- The intellectual property disputes can be arbitrated.But not all intellectual property disputes that can be arbitrated in theory are suitable for arbitration. 但解决了知识产权纠纷的可仲裁性并不意味着所有在理论上可提交仲裁机关处理的知识产权纠纷都会提交仲裁,还存在适仲裁性的问题。
- With the rapid development of the internet game, the knottiness of virtual property in the internet game occurs continually. 随着网络游戏产业的快速发展,关于网络虚拟财产的纠纷不断出现。
- The paper exoatiate on the reasons why consumers' creation is new type of property and the definition of virtual property's attribution. 本文阐述了认定用户创制物为一种新类型财产的理由及其虚拟财产的法律定性问题。
- Abstract: In recent years, there are a lot of cases about the net virtual property, but the correlative laws of China is distempered. 文章摘要: 近年来,有关网络虚拟财产的民事纠纷不断发生,但是我国的相关立法尚不健全。
- Virtual property of Internet games has actual economic value and the feature of disposable movable property,which could be the target of stealing. 网络游戏中的虚拟财产具有现实的经济价值和可支配的动产属性,可以作为盗窃罪的犯罪对象;
- The inborn attribute of the virtual property that it would definitely be the target of being encroached by various criminal activities. 虚拟财产自身的财产属性,决定了它必将成为众多侵财性犯罪活动觊觎的对象。
- Generally, virtual property can be divided in two sorts, one is outcome of operators' creation and designation, other is consumers' creation. 摘要从广义角度看虚拟财产大致分为两类,一为运营商创制和设计的结果,另一为用户创制物。