- White consumers accept Black hardship as part and parcel with the criminal, sexual and violent image they have of artists like DMX or Ja Rule. 白色消费者接受黑人陷入困境的重要组成部分,与犯罪,性和暴力形象,他们的艺术家们喜欢的dmx或司法机构政务长统治。
- But now that coverage of the war in Iraq has redefined "reality television," how can parents best shield their children from the violent images? 然而,随着目前关于伊拉克战的报道铺天盖地,"记实电视"被赋予了新的定义。家长该怎样将孩子们的视线从暴力画面上移开呢?
- But now that coverage of the war in Iraq has redefined "reality television," how can parents best shield their children from the violent images? 然而,随着目前关于伊拉克战的报道铺天盖地,"记实电视"被赋予了新的定义。家长该怎样将孩子们的视线从暴力画面上移开呢?
- Stated features: To protect minors from age 10-16 through the filtering of pornographic and violent images and content, also circumvention software. 公开宣称的功能:针对10-16岁青少年,过滤**图片、**内容、暴力内容、过滤反审查软件(例如**)。
- Thirty minutes after the researchers had shown dozens of violent images, they quizzed study participants on how well they remembered the pictures they had just seen. 在给被试呈现了许多这些暴力图片之后30分钟,通过询问,测定被试在多大程度上能够对刚才看见的图片进行回忆。
- In the days after the Colorado slaughter, discussion of violent images in American culture was dominated by the canned positions of the anti-Hollywood right and the mammon-is-our-God film lobby. 科罗拉多枪杀案之后,反好莱坞右翼势力的刻板立场与唯利是图的电影业游说团,左右了关于美国文化中暴力形象的讨论。
- The rabble soon grew violent and unmanageable. 暴民们很快地变得狂暴和无法控制。
- Don't mess with her: she's got a violent temper. 别干预她的事,她脾气很暴。
- They showed violent opposition to the oppressor. 他们对压迫者表现出强烈的不满。
- The heroine is the spitting image of the author. 书中女主人翁是作者的真实写照。
- One must deplore their violent behavior. 人人都会强烈反对他们的残暴行为。
- The growth of violent crime is a very real problem. 暴力犯罪的增加是个非常现实的问题。
- I have this image of you as always being cheerful. 在我的心目中,你的样子总是兴高采烈的。
- She could not bear with his violent temper. 她受不了他的暴烈性子。
- He's very violent: it's the demon drink, you know. 他大撒酒疯,你要知道就是因为喝了那种酒。
- The minister is trying to improve his public image. 部长正在努力提高他自己的公众形象。
- His good image has stolen up on my brain. 他的良好形象已渐渐在我头脑中形成。
- I overeat at the party last night and get violent indigestion. 昨日晚宴我吃多了,严重消化不良。
- The madman is violent and has to be locke up. 这疯子十分凶暴,只好把他锁起来。
- She is the express image of her mother. 她和她母亲长得一模一样。