- What vim and vigor Third Elder Brother have! 三阿哥真是生龙活虎!
- Sports field, we are a family full of vim and vigor. 运动场上的我们是生龙活虎的一族。
- The teenagers will thrive on teachers' guidance with full of vim and vigor. 茁壮成长的青少年将在教师的指导与生龙活虎。
- From then on, you'll be full of vim and vigor, eager to take on the world! 从那之后,你将会充满活力,渴望承担下全世界!
- Both of them are young people full of vim and vigor, they get into a fight whenever they have a disagreeable conversation. 他俩都年轻气盛, 几句话不和就打了起来。
- Hero of the Macrocosm is a tribe which full of vim and vigor, united, and supported.We believe it will make us stronger with your joining. 寰宇乾坤部落具有壮志凌云的气度,广纳群雄的胸襟,相信你的加入必能为我盟注入强大的动力。
- Work (with vim and vigor). 工作(全力以赴)。
- Work(with vim and vigor). 工作(全力以赴)。
- Result:The nurses should keep a symmetrical and healthy physique,be full of vim and vigor,lucid mind and quickness in movement in order to meet the need of works in operating room. 结果:能保持健康的体魄,充沛的精力,清晰的思维,匀称的形体和敏捷的动作,适应手术室的工作。
- The man raised his head, staring at the woman opposite: young, tall, slim, blonde with lily - white skin, vibrant body full of vim and vigor, pretty face with a pair of bright eyes that can talk. 男子抬起头,望着对面的女人:年轻,身材高挑,苗条,金发碧眼,像百合一样的皮肤,活力四射,漂亮的脸上,一双会说话的眼睛忽闪忽闪。
- “They'll be full of vim and vigor when he comes out there to play. “当他出来比赛时,他们将充满活力和激情。
- jogging works off my excess energy; he seemed full of vim and vigor. 慢跑消除过剩的精力。
- He set to his task with renewed vim and vigour. 他再度打起精神,着手完成自己的工作。
- This young chap works with vim and vigour. 这小伙子干活有股子猛劲儿。
- In this way, he received new life and vigor. 从此,他迎来了人生的春天。
- To grow or flourish with youth and vigor. 有活力因年轻和活力而茁壮成长
- In this way,he received a new life and vigor. 从此,他迎来了人生的春天。
- Marked by intensity and vigor; forceful. 生气勃勃的充满激情与活力的;强有力的
- This young fellow does his work with vim and vigour. 这小伙子干活真冲。
- Here reflected the animation and vigor. 这里折射着生机与活力,