- It is not conducive to the public good. 那无助于公共利益。
- The demand for public goods is elastic. 公共产品需求具有弹性。
- Club level public speaking and table topic speech contests. 各分会级公众演讲及即席演讲比赛。
- Based on the case study of Luxi village, the author discusses the mechanism of community integration from the perspective of production of community public goods. 本文建立在浙北地区芦溪村的个案调查基础上,以社区公共物品的生产为切入点来探讨社区整合机制问题。
- In the face of this status, we must think deeply about the "one project one discussion" system of providing village's public goods, and make a reorientation. 反思“一事一议”供给乡村公共产品的制度,对当前我们正在进行的新农村建设十分必要。
- Non-excludability is a characteristic of public goods. 非排他性是公共货物的特征。
- In his pamphlet,Comrade Peng Dehuai has set out some general principles for work at the village level. 关于村级工作的一般原则,彭德怀同志的小册子中都提出了。
- In his pamphlet, Comrade Peng Dehuai has set out some general principles for work at the village level. 关于村级工作的一般原则,彭德怀同志的小册子中都提出了。
- Non-excludability is a characteristic of public goods . 非排他性是公共货物的特征。
- "At the village level, as many of you know, in the 1960s and 70s, the heralded barefoot doctors. 在城乡水平,正如你们中许多人知道的,在1960和70年代,被通报的赤脚医生。
- These families used a lot of their own money for the public good. 这些家族都曾把自己的大量钱财用于公益事业。
- But we in comparison, could only have suffrage at the village level, a nevertheless super messy suffrage. 而我们,号称人民民主专政的我们,只能在可怜的村一级实行直选,而且是极端混乱的直选。
- Markets are not typically good arbiters of the public good. 市场的自由运作未必能够平衡公众利益。
- Objective: To understand present situation of village level health personnel in Anning city. 目的:了解安宁市村级卫生人力资源配置现状。
- Religious and educational affairs were handled at the parish or village level but supervised by the king and the religious hierarchy. 宗教和教育事务由教区或村庄来处理;但由国王和宗教层级来监督.
- He is always ready to sacrifice his personal interest to public good. 他随时准备为大家的利益而牺牲自身利益。
- Private interest was not allowed to predominate over the public good. 私人利益不得置于公众利益之上。
- Experience shows that risks are high for local funds not to reach the village level, let alone the most vulnerable groups, when the municipality handles funds on its own. 经验显示,当市镇当局自己处理资金时,地方资金如果不能到达村庄一级,就有很高的风险,更不用说最脆弱的群体了。
- Displays the top level public folders Exchange System Manager displays the top level public folders as container objects in the console tree, under the public folder hierarchy. 显示顶级公用文件夹Exchange系统管理器将顶级公用文件夹作为容器对象显示在控制台树中的公用文件夹层次结构下。
- He is always ready to sacrifice his personal interest to public good . 他随时准备为大家的利益而牺牲自身利益。