- Numerous village and township enterprises have sprung up since 1978 . 自1978年以来涌现出许多乡镇企业。
- Hopewell Township in 1996 and in the town, the rich West Village and Township north into the rich West Village. 1996年合乡并镇时,把西富村乡和北营乡合并为西富村乡。
- The low quality of the employed is an important reason that constrains the sustained development of village and township enterprises. 从业人员素质低下,是制约乡镇企业持续发展的重要原因。
- This increase in village and township enterprises,particularly industrial enterprises,has provided jobs for 50 per cent of the surplus labour in the countryside. 乡镇企业的发展,主要是工业,还包括其他行业,解决了占农村剩余劳动力百分之五十的人的出路问题。
- Xing Yi Quan state deep in the main circulation of the Royal Hengshui Town, Shenzhen City, Shenzhenzhou zhen , Moody's Village and Township, the area of civilbing cao . 深州形意拳主要流传于衡水深州市的王家井镇、深州镇、穆村乡和兵曹乡一带民间。
- This paper rethinks the current reform of village and township government from these perspectives and concludes that the "removal and merger" reform has only achieved limited results. 以此来审视和反思当前我国的乡镇政府改革,结论是:“撤并式”乡镇政府改革效果有限。
- village and township organization 乡镇机构
- village and township water supply 村镇供水
- village and township enterprises 乡镇企业
- At last they came to a mountain village and sat down. 最后,他们来到一个山村,在那儿安了家。
- The paratroops descended on the village and took it in a matter of minutes. 伞兵部队在村庄上空降落,在几分钟时间里就把它攻取下来。
- On the Circular Economy of Village and Township Level Industry 论乡镇工业循环经济模式
- Go to the farthest house in the village and I'll meet you there. 到村上最远的那座房子那儿去,我在那里与你会面。
- The income of urban and township residents grows fast. 三、城镇居民收入增长较快。
- Instead of flocking into the cities, the peasants have been building villages and townships of a new type. 农民不往城市跑,而是建设大批小型新型乡镇。
- At last we came to a mountain village and sat down. 最后我们来到一个山村,在那里安了家。
- All healthy and popular community culture, village culture, township culture, public square culture, corporate culture, school culture, military camp culture, children's culture and other mass culture are well protected and developed. 所有健康的受欢迎的社区文化,村镇文化,广场文化,企业文化,校园文化,军营文化,少儿文化等群众文化都收到保护并得到弘扬。
- Instead of flocking into the cities,the peasants have been building villages and townships of a new type. 农民不往城市跑,而是建设大批小型新型乡镇。
- villages and township level industry 乡镇工业
- The idea of starting such industries was not put forward by the leaders of this country but by the villages and townships and the peasants themselves. 那不是我们领导出的主意,而是基层农业单位和农民自己创造的。