- viewpoint of Feudal education 治学观
- The viewpoint of this article is correct. 这篇文章的观点是正确的。
- Is Mrs Xianglin a typical widow of feudal morality? 祥林嫂是节妇典型吗?
- I agree his viewpoint of this sentence. 我同意他这句话的看法。
- One kind is the viewpoint of traditional autarky. 一种为传统的自给自足的观点。
- Qing dynasty was the ripest period of feudal bureaucrat system. 清代是封建官僚体系之集大成者,其膳食官员也多于前代。
- We should consider this problem from the viewpoint of the Russians. 我们应该从俄国人的立场来考虑这个问题。
- The viewpoint of the article is biased, You had better revise it. 这篇文章的观点偏颇,最好进一步修改。
- They have evolved into new social classes from the womb of feudal society. 它们从封建社会脱胎而来,构成了新的社会阶级。
- From the viewpoint of history of literature and education, there exist two aspects of Bildungsroman. 文学家的教育情怀与教育家的文学情怀是教育小说同质异构的两翼。
- China had a very long period of feudalism. 中国有很长的封建时期。
- The viewpoints of the two parties hardened. 双方的观点变得更强硬了。
- The government office of feudal China is a very complex system. 中国封建社会的官衙机构是一个非常庞杂的系统。
- Of, relating to, or characteristic of feudalism. 封建的、有关封建制度的或有封建制度特点的
- The viewpoint of the article is biased, You'd better revise it. 这篇文章的观点偏颇, 最好进一步修改。
- Of,relating to,or characteristic of feudalism. 封建的、有关封建制度的或有封建制度特点的
- Researchers should adequately respect educatees' subjectivity and probe into how to enhance the effectiveness of ideo-political education from the viewpoint of reception. 应该充分尊重教育对象的主体性,从接受的视角探讨提高思想政治教育有效性的途径。
- Such were the viewpoints of the comrades. 这些就是同志们的观点。
- From the viewpoint of ideo-political education ecology, this paper discusses the basic way to develop context and approaches of ideo-political education in the conversion period. 摘要本文从思想政治教育生态出发,探讨了转型时期思想政治教育内容与方法发展的基本路径。
- It only made limitedly adaptation in the foundation of feudal ethics and rites. 它不过是在封建礼教基础上作出了有限的变通而已。