- I live at the 35th floor. The view from above is amazing. 我住在35层,从上面俯瞰,景色美不胜收。
- Contour This is a surface chart viewed from above, where colors represent specific ranges of values. 曲面图(俯视)俯视曲面图,其中的颜色代表数值范围。
- Loin section viewed from above is relatively short, broad and strong, but blending smoothly into the back. 比利时坦比连犬表现出来的品质是聪明、勇敢、机警且热爱主人。
- Viewed from above or from the side, the head tapers uniformly to the tip of the nose. 从上面或从侧面观察,头部都是呈锥形(向鼻尖方向逐渐变细)。
- Without changing the stem position remove the handwheel and refit the memory stop aligned adjacent to the fixed stop on the clockwise side when viewed from above. 不需要改变阀杆位置,拆卸手轮,重新配置止动记忆,并从上俯视使其对准顺时针方向一侧的固定撞嘴。
- Viewed from above, the infant's head is basically an oval, longest from the forehead to the back of the head and narrowest from ear to ear. 从胎儿头顶上方向下看,胎儿的头基本上是个卵形,从前额到后脑是长轴,两耳之间最窄。
- Explanation: A waxing crescent Moon shines over the caldera of dormant volcano Haleakala and observatory domes in this dramatic view from above the clouds. 说明: 这幅在云层上方拍摄的动人影像里,下弦月高悬在休眠中的哈雷阿卡拉火山口及天文台圆顶上空。
- AltaVista, which means "a view from above," was inspired by the creation of big ideas from a team of experts with a fascination for keeping track of information. 意味“从上述的一个看法”,有一个为记录信息而迷恋的专家的队,由大想法的创作启发。
- Skull--oval when viewed from above, of medium width, without coarseness, and only slightly wider at the earset than at the brow. 脑袋:从上面观察时,脑袋呈卵形,中等宽度,不粗糙。
- When viewed from above, your pet's back should show some gentle curves: a gentle dip after the ribs (waist area), a well-defined indent at the top of the tail. 从上方看,你的宠物的后背应该呈现流畅的线条:在肋骨后方(腰部)柔和地下降,于尾部顶端清晰地收进;
- The thousand roofs, dense, angular, clinging to each other,composed, nearly all, of the same geometrical element, offered,when viewed from above, the aspect of a crystallization of the same substance. 那成千上万的屋顶密密麻麻,有棱有角,粘附紧贴,几乎都是由一几何原理构成的,俯瞰之下,呈现出同一物质的晶体状态。
- The thousand roofs,dense,angular,clinging to each other,composed,nearly all,of the same geometrical element,offered,when viewed from above,the aspect of a crystallization of the same substance. 那成千上万的屋顶密密麻麻,有棱有角,粘附紧贴,几乎都是由一几何原理构成的,俯瞰之下,呈现出同一物质的晶体状态。
- A voice called down to us from above. 从上面传来叫我们的声音。
- Small stones showered (down) on us from above. 小石块阵雨般地落在我们身上。
- Another clue is the fact that a Pembroke body is "egg shaped".When viewed from above, the chest area of the body is larger than the hind end which forms the smaller part of the oval egg shape. 另一个提示是潘布鲁克柯基的身体是蛋型的.;当你从上方看的时候;身体的胸部区域比后部大形成一个蛋型
- The exhibits are on view from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 展品从上午八时到下午五时展出。
- Viewed from the outside, the company seemed genuine. 从外表上看,这家公司倒像是真的。
- Has the matter been viewed from the taxpayers' standpoint? 这个问题是否从纳税人的立场上考虑过?
- Seen from above, the fields looked like a geometrical pattern. 从上面往下看,那些农田像是几何图案。
- The model can be viewed from any angle. 模型可以从各个角度进行观察。