- view on justice and benefits 义利观
- The Gist of Confucian View of Justice and Benefit 浅议儒家义利观之主旨
- The ethic principles of aesthetic consciousness are personalty, prudential justice and benefit, fair and rational benefit. 对于生命科学技术的发展,审美意识指向的伦理准则是:人性原则,明辨义利原则和公平、公正与效益合理性原则;
- In the history of Western thoughts, numerous thinkers, from the ancient Greek Socrates to the modern Rawls, put forward various kinds of views on justice, but they held no common view. 在西方思想史上,众多思想家,从古希腊的苏格拉底到近代的罗尔斯,提出各种各样的正义观,对何为正义莫衷一是。
- He took a mournful view on human affairs. 他对人世持悲观的态度。
- the relationships between justice and benefits 义利关系
- His view on the question do not square with mine. 他对这个问题的看法跟我的不一致。
- Based on the discussion on justice, the paper probes into the close relation of justice and law, and further provides new thoughts to comprehend the law. 文章以正义的含义为讨论起点,追根溯源,旨在揭示法律和正义两者的密切联系,进而从正义角度理解法律性质。
- You and I have the same view on this matter. 你我对这件事的看法一致。
- A Probe on Lectures of Justice and Benefit 如何讲好社会主义义利观
- thought of justice and benefit in Confucianism 儒家义利思想
- I incline to his view on the matter. 我赞同他对这个问题的观点。
- He challenged my view on that matter. 他就我对那件事的看法提出异议。
- traditional concept of justice and benefit 传统义利观
- They have expanded my view on the question. 他们已更充分地阐明了我对这个问题的观点。
- unity between justice and benefit 义利统一
- Along the way the EU has acquired a single currency, a common foreign policy, a passport-free travel zone and policies on justice and home affairs, plus a nascent defence alliance with its own military-planning staff. 正是用这样的方式,欧盟采用了单一货币,统一的外交政策,建立了免护照旅行区,实施司法和内政政策,以及新近成立的有自主参谋部的防务联盟。
- reunification of justice and benefit 竞合精神
- We went to the meeting and reported our view on the situation. 我们参加了会议,谈了我们对局势的看法。
- Confucian ideas and family conception account for the similarities, and differences in commodity conception, outlook on justice and interest, and openness give rise to the disparities. 儒家思想和家族观念使二者呈现出一些相似的特点,而东部和内陆民营企业在商品观念、义利观念、开放性等方面的不同又造成二者的发展各具特色。