- The view of scientific development is an inheritance, innovation and development of Deng Xiaoping's theory. 科学发展观是对邓小平理论的继承、新和发展。
- The history of WISCO's development refracts the basic request of view of scientific development. 回顾武钢改革开放以来发展的历程,折射出科学发展观的基本要求。
- Between the view of scientific development and people's constitution,there is some indivisible connection and they affect each other. 科学发展观的落实与我国人民体质的增强两者相互影响、相互促进。
- Setting up the view of scientific development of humanism,we should study and solve problems facing us and find a way which strengthen country. 树立以人为本的科学发展观,就要研究和解决面临的各项问题,走出一条前所未有的强国之路。
- There are some unharmonious factors in Tianshui's development. We should constrcut harmonious Tianshui under the view of scientific development. 摘要天水市经济社会发展中存在着不和谐因素,要在科学发展观统领下,全面构建和谐天水。
- The view of scientific development is great innovation of our party about development of theory and it is the overall guilding principle of solving industrial cluster development. 科学发展观是我党关于发展理论的重大创新,是解决产业集群发展问题的总的指导原则。
- This article also explores "the view of scientific development", which is the hankering pursuit for Marxist theory of highest stage of human development. 这是一重大的选项与转折。本文指出,科学发展观是对马克思人类发展第三(最高)阶段的向往与追求。
- The construction of the socialist harmonious society and the view of scientific development is the directive ideology for harmonious development strategy making for librarianship. 科学发展观与构建和谐社会理念是制定我国图书馆事业和谐发展战略的基本指导思想。
- This article elaborates the view of scientific development of college libraries from three aspects: humanist, all-round harmony, and continuous steadiness. 本文从以人为本、全面和谐、持续稳健等三个方面论述了高校图书馆的科学发展观。
- So a review and transcendence of the rationalist view of development are significant for China to establish the view of scientific development in its transitional phase of society. 对理性主义发展观进行重新审视及超越,对正处于社会转型期的中国树立科学的发展观具有借鉴意义。
- The point of view of scientific development stresses “taking human beings as the basis", all-round, harmonious and sustainable development, which reflects the internal demand of the essence of soc... 科学发展观强调“以人为本 ,全面、协调、可持续发展” ,反映了社会主义本质的内在要求 ,实现共同富裕必须坚持科学发展观。
- The whole plan of economic and social development is an important factor and the basic acquirement of views of scientific development. 统筹经济社会发展是科学发展观的重要内容和基本要求。经济发展是社会发展的前提和基础,社会发展是经济发展的结果和目的。
- the view of scientific development 科学发展观
- in view of scientific development 科学发展观
- Keeping View of Scientific Development of "Take people as Anima" 坚持"以人为本"的科学发展观
- From Unified Planning to the View of Scientific Development 从统筹兼顾到科学发展观
- On Marxist Humanity Care and View of Scientific Development 论马克思主义人文关怀与科学发展观
- Taking the view of scientific development to guide capital DSM work 用科学发展观指导首都电力需求侧管理工作
- the view of scientific developing 科学发展观
- the views of scientific development 科学发展观