- No, by merely using a video distribution system, one can bring the existing video signal to our analysers. 答:不用。只需使用一个视频分配系统,就可以轻松地将现有的视频信号送给我们的分析系统。
- A video distribution system that uses coaxial cable and optical fiber to deliver multichannel service to households within a geographically defined franchise area. 有线电视系统一种影像传送系统。它根据协议,使用同轴电缆和光纤电缆向家庭传输多频道电视节目。
- MVDS Multipoint Video Distribution System 多点视频分布系统
- Microwave Video Distribution System 微波视频信号分配系统
- Tactical Video Distribution System 战术视频分配系统
- What is the distribution system? 销售体系是什么?
- Cold air distribution system design guide II. 低温送风系统设计指南2。
- Grid The utility-owned power distribution system. 电网是指电厂的电力输送系统。
- VDA? Video Distributing Amplifier? 视频分配放大器?
- The company has an extensive international distribution system. 公司有广泛的国际分销系统。
- The Reform of Distribution System Should Be Creative. 分配制度的改革要敢于创新。
- Such distribution system had both advantages and disadvantages. 这种分配制度有好处,也有不好的地方。
- video distribution system 视频分配系统
- Sixthly, set up the reasonable and fair distribution system. 第六,构建科学合理、公平公正的分配体系。
- IEC62026 5:Smart Distributed System(SDS) . IEC62026?5 :“智能的配线系统(SDS)”。
- IPC is a key question of distributed system. 分布式系统面临的一个关键问题是解决好进程间通信(IPC)协作.
- The E-Campus is a distributed system. 信息化校园是一个分布式的系统。
- The E-Campus is a distributed system . 信息化校园是一个分布式的系统。
- Step up our efforts to promote the reform of the grain distribution system. 大力推进粮食流通体制改革。
- The changes to the distribution system are purely experimental at the moment. 在这个阶段,分配体制的一些变化只是实验性的。