- video display page 视频显示页
- The smallest image-forming unit of a video display. 像素电视图像成像的最小单位
- You can now test the employee records display page. 现在可以测试雇员记录显示页。
- Monitors, also known as video display terminals(VDTs), resemble television screens, and may be either monochrome or color. 显示器类似于电视屏幕,也被称为视频显示终端(VDTs), 有单色显示器和彩色显示器。
- It has a laser welder, a video display screen, and a buzzsaw. 它装备了一部激光焊机、一部视频显示屏和一个圆锯。
- The smallest display picture element on a video display screen. 在显示幕上所显示图像的最小显示元素。
- The fineness of detail that can be distinguished in an image, as on a video display terminal. 辨析率,解析度影像能被分辨的细微程度,如在视频显示终端的细微程度
- The problem is that it all depends on the pixel size of the video display. 问题是它们都依赖于视频显示器的像素尺寸。
- Also called video display adapter, video adapter, or video controller. 也称为视频显示适配器、视频适配器或视频控制器。
- Also, we need an additional electrical outlet for our video display. 还有,我们还需要一个电源插座来接展示屏。
- Display Page Numbers as Links - This ASP example demonstrates how to form a series of page numbers as the links. 这个ASP示例程序演示了如何形成一系列的页面数字来作为链接。
- When you press exit,the screen return to normal live video display of the far end. 当按Exit时,屏幕会返回正常的远端实时视频显示状态。
- The fineness of detail that can be distinguished in an image,as on a video display terminal. 辨析率,解析度影像能被分辨的细微程度,如在视频显示终端的细微程度。
- Monitors,also known as video display terminals(VDTs),resemble television screens,and may be either monochrome or color. 显示器类似于电视屏幕,也被称为视频显示终端(VDTs),有单色显示器和彩色显示器。
- Video display, with Chinese title, provide information source to know the institution and university. 视频展示:配合中文字幕,让学生和家长了结学校的情况。
- The node that represents the currently displayed page is the current node. 表示当前显示页的节点称为当前节点。
- X-ray emission from vacuum tubes of television and video display units are also sources of artificial radiation. 其他人工辐射来源包括电视机及视象显示器等,它们的真空管会发放X射线。
- Video display A text or graphics display device which may be a cathode-ray tube, or LED. 视讯荧幕一部阴极射线管或发光二极管的文字或圆形显示装置。
- Cursor Moveable indicator on a video display screen to show a location as instructed by the operator. 在影像显示荧光屏上可移动的标志。它指出操作员所需的位置。
- On a video display unit, the process of changing the direction of the electron beam and thus its position on a display surface. 在视频显示设备上,改变电子束的方向并且从而改变了它在显示屏幕上的位置的过程。