- And what is a victimless crime to begin with? 并且,首先要弄清楚,什么是无受害人的犯罪?
- Some people consider prostitution a victimless crime. 有些人认为卖淫是没有受害者的犯罪。
- America insists on criminalising victimless crimes such as prostitution. 美国坚持判定卖淫等无受害人的犯罪行为需负刑事责任。
- In spite of this, prostitution has often been called a “victimless crime” . 尽管如此, 卖淫常常被称为“无受害人的犯罪”。
- As this definition makes clear, enforcing the laws against victimless crimes is difficult. 正如该定义说清楚了的那样,执行反对无受害人的犯罪的法律是困难的。
- Victimless crimes are the major source of the huge prison population in the US, the largest in the world. ”如何学习英语“犯什么法你自然清楚,现在想不起来是吗?会让你有想起来的地方!”
- The author explains the history, concept, characteristics and classification of victimless crimes in detail. 在全面阐释“无被害人犯罪”历史、概念、特征、分类的基础上,笔者对。
- Munce's attorney argued that his client's infractions amounted to what the lawyer called a victimless crime. 万成的律师争辩说,万成的违规行为仅构成不伤害任何人的罪行。
- As these examples show, the concept of “victimless crime” does not always fit the case of prostitution. 正如这些举例所显示的那样,“无受害人的犯罪”的概念并不总是适合卖淫的案例。
- Piracy of copyrighted materials is not a victimless crime and its global repercussions must be addressed. 侵权并不是无受害人的犯罪行为,必须考虑到这种行为对全世界的影响。”
- While the theoretical concept of a victimless crime is clear enough, its application in practice can be controversial. 虽然,无受害人的犯罪的概念在理论上足够明晰,这个概念的实际运用可能会有争议。
- A victimless crime is an illegal voluntary exchange of goods or services between people who are legally capable of consent. 无受害人的犯罪是一种在法律上有允诺能力的人之间的商品或服务的不合法的自主交换。
- On the basis of the introduction of contemporary theories, the author puts forward his own theory of victimless crime based on legal rights in Criminal Policy. “无被害人犯罪”非犯罪化的现有理论作简要介绍,提出自己的法益论刑事政策出罪机制。
- he considers prostitution to be a victimless crime. 他认为卖淫是无过失犯罪。
- Patti Waldmeir: The price of victimless crime 没有受害者的犯罪与代价
- The victimless crime and the juvenile's protection 无被害人犯罪与未成年人保护
- a “victimless crime,” it surely has its victims. 纵然这是“一宗没有受害者的犯罪”,但它却不折不扣地制造了牺牲品。
- Religion is often made the covert of crime. 宗教常成为罪恶的护庇所。
- The scoundrel's crimes were too numerous to record. 这个歹徒罪行累累,罄竹难书。
- It is difficult to stamp out all the crimes. 很难把所有的犯罪都消除掉。