- The atom bomb is of catholic concern. 原子弹受到普遍的关注。
- That cannot get up an atom of sympathy for them. 那并不能激发起人们对他们的丝毫同情。
- Scientists have unlocked the secret of the atom. 科学家已经揭开了原子的秘密。
- vibratory atomizer 振动雾化
- A mist of perfume issued from the atomizer. 一阵香水的轻雾从雾化器中喷射出来。
- The particles in an atom are infinitely small. 原子里的粒子极小。
- There isn't an atom of truth in the rumour. 谣言中没有丝毫的真实性。
- An atom bomb would destroy a city. 一颗原子弹能摧毁一座城市。
- Vibratory Roller and Vibratory Compaction II. 振动压路机与振动压实技术2。
- No matter what substance it may be, it is made up of atom. 不管这是什么物质,都由原子构成。
- Capableof or adapted to vibratory motion. 能够或适于震动的。
- Capable of or adapted to vibratory motion. 能够或适于震动的
- There was not an atom of evidence to convince him. 没有一点能使他信服的证据。
- The atom bomb is the offspring of the 20th century physics. 原子弹是20世纪物理学的产物。
- The first atom bomb was set off over Hiroshima. 第一颗原子弹是在广岛上空爆炸的。
- Fitzpiers contradicted this idea in his most vibratory tones. 菲茨比尔斯用最为感人的语气反驳了这种观点。
- No one has ever seen the inside of an atom. 没有人曾经看见过原子的内部。
- There's not an atom of truth in what he said. 他所说的没有一点是真话。
- That the atom is small must not be able to be seen. 原子小得看不见。
- There is not an atom of truth in the rumor. 那谢意毫无真实性。