- Additional training was provided to farmers on the proper use of agricultural and veterinary chemicals on farms. 此外,当局亦就农场如何适当使用农业和兽医用化学物的问题,为农民提供额外训练。
- During the year, 6 143 tissues and blood samples were collected from food animals for testing of veterinary chemicals and disease surveillance. 年内,为测试牲口所含兽医用化学物和监测疾病,本署收集了6 143个食用牲口的组织和血液样本。
- The ordinance has been amended to control the use of veterinary chemicals as a result of food poisoning cases associated with the intake of pork or offal contaminated by beta-agonists. 针对多宗市民因进食受乙种促效剂污染的猪肉及内脏而引发的食物中毒个案,政府修改了上述条例,以管制禽畜化学品的使用。
- To ensure food safety,a new regulation to control the use of agricultural and veterinary chemicals (including clenbuterol) in food animals and to formalise the voluntary identification system for pigs,cattle and goats destined for market was introduced. 为确保食物安全,当局实施新规例,管制以农业和兽医用化学物(包括盐酸克仑特罗)喂饲食用动物的做法;自愿应用于猪、牛、羊的辨认制度,亦已凭藉该新规例确立法律效力。
- To ensure food safety, a new regulation to control the use of agricultural and veterinary chemicals (including clenbuterol) in food animals and to formalise the voluntary identification system for pigs, cattle and goats destined for market was introduced. 为确保食物安全,当局实施新规例,管制以农业和兽医用化学物(包括盐酸克仑特罗)喂饲食用动物的做法;自愿应用于猪、牛、羊的辨认制度,亦已凭藉该新规例确立法律效力。
- A person who practices veterinary medicine. (兽医)从事兽医医学实践的人
- A reactor is a container for chemical reaction. 反应器是进行化学反应的容器。
- The chemical symbol for copper is "Cu". 铜的化学符号是Cu。
- We are doing a chemical experiment. 我们正在做化学实验。
- My major is the subject of chemical engineering. 我的专业是化学工程学。
- Ammonia is a chemical substance. 氨是种化学物质。
- A chemical derived from petroleum or natural gas. 石油化学制品从石油或天然气中提炼出的化学产品
- Beware how you handle the toxic chemical. 小心处理有毒的化学药品。
- The chemical can behave as an acid. 这种化学制品能起酸的作用。
- Some chemical compounds can be resolved by heat. 一些化学化合物可以通过加热分解。
- A veterinary surgeon is a doctor of a sort. 兽医是一类医生。
- I am not familiar with chemical terms. 我不熟悉化学术语。
- He devoted his life to chemical research. 他一生从事化学研究。
- He is experimenting with a new chemical. 他正在实验一种新的化学制品。
- He was still frightened of the veterinary surgeons. 他对外科兽医一直心有余悸。