- vestibule entrance door 脚蹬门
- Example: The entrance door gives access to a living room. 进门后往里走是起居室。
- The tower was closed for renovation, but the entrance door was ajar. 它的塔楼因修理而关闭,但是入口处半开着。
- However Mourinho explained that it is only the entrance door to the dressing room and not the exit that is now locked. 不过穆里尼奥接着解释到,现在在更衣室关掉的只是进入的门,离开的门并没有关闭。
- Manor Avenue in the main entrance door, but also the construction of a two-story hexagonal guardhouse. 在艾文庄园的主大门入口处,还建造了一个两层楼高的六角形警卫室。
- Push that white entrance door, brandish is aspersed in the is full of sunshine namely stateroom before. 推开那扇白色大门,挥洒在眼前的就是布满阳光的大客厅。
- The infuser of free trade closes an entrance door of him rolled steel actually, after all why? 自由贸易的鼓吹者竟然关起自己钢材大门,到底为什么?
- This also can use the entrance door that locks dugout, achieve beautiful and economic effect. 这也能用来隐藏防空壕的大门,达到美观实用的效果。
- The entrance door is a 5 meter high, three sheet folding iron structure that inserts into a lateral marble wall. 入口大门有5米高,三层可折叠的铁板结构,旁边的支撑墙用大理石装饰。
- Afterwards I passed by my entrance door and noticed a package left on the porch. And it is the package sent by Yong Lee. 后来当我走过大门边时,发现一个包裹放在门廊处,而这个包裹是由荣利寄来的。
- Carry on a clandestine love affair men and women seeks pleasure in course of in the woman , the entrance door sound having key unblanking suddenly. 译文:偷情男女正在女人家中寻欢作乐,忽然大门有钥匙开锁的声音。
- See the entrance door of his home, there is some of perturbed however in my heart, because of insufficient individual character, not quite elegant. 看到他家的大门,我心里却有些忐忑,因为不够个性,不够精美。
- In addition, intel still announced the language that is aimed at application to consider, opened an entrance door for more collateral processing. 此外,英特尔还披露了针对应用的说话研究,为更多的并行措置翻开了大门。
- Black doorcase does not see more, the entrance door with outer stainless steel is added inserted every bits of bit fashionable breath. 黑色的门框并不多见,不锈钢外层的大门加插了点点时尚气息。
- Be not the occurrence with English suffixal domain name, to use same the community of kind of language founds the domain name that belongs to his to open an entrance door. 非英语域名后缀的出现,为使用同一种语言的社区创建属于自己的域名打开大门。
- The high-level residence here, column of corridor of Grecian having copy, buckish golden entrance door, only ability meets marvelous Gates to be here, if he is a Chinese. 这里的高层住宅,有仿希腊式的廊柱,浮华的金色大门,只有了不起的盖茨才会住在这里,如果他是个中国人。
- Although Whitman is denied clearly,will enter into an election contest California bey, but did not mean her to close the entrance door that take up a political career completely. 尽管惠特曼明确否认将竞选加州州长,但并不意味着她完全关闭了从政的大门。
- In this respect, the tea hill network that comes from Korea rolled out AC-CESS recently " connect every time " product, take broadband DDN the entrance door of rock-bottom user. 在这方面,来自韩国的茶山网络最近推出了AC-CESS“点点通”产品,将宽带DDN带入底层用户的大门。
- This transformed the resentment of consumer infirmly, for game of new generation network and applied process collection similar fee opened an entrance door. 这弱化了消费者的抵触情绪,为新一代网络游戏与应用程序收取类似费用打开了大门。
- He sprang up and rushed to the door. 他跳起身,跑到门口。