- very high speed optical device 甚高速光学器件
- VHSIC? Very High Speed Integrated Circuit? 超高速集成电路?
- VBNS? Very high speed Backbone Network Services? 甚高速骨干网络服务系统?
- The bullet is released from the gun at very high speed. 子弹自枪膛中高速射出。
- IC VHDL: Very high speed integrated circuit Hardware Description Language. 超高速集成电路硬件描述语言。
- Network configuration of separated Crossbar employs the SEED devices as high speed optical modulators and the FET SEED device integrated on a single GaAs chip as optical logic array. 该体系结构中可采用自电光效应(SEED)器件作为高速光调制器,采用在单块GaAs基片上集成的场效应晶体管-自电光效应器件(FET-SEED)作为逻辑光开关器件。
- When the spaceship leaves the earth at very high speed,the astronauts feel as if they are being crushed against the spaceship floor. 当宇宙飞船高速离开地球时,宇航员感觉到自己似乎被紧压在飞船的地板上。
- The broadcasting equipment forces electrons to rush back and forth in the antenna at very high speed. 广播设备使得电子在天线里以很高的速度急剧往返。
- A Very High Speed Data Acquisition Device 非常高速数据采集装置
- The characteristics and applications of fiber loop mirror are introduced. Some researches using fiber loop mirror in high speed optical switch, WDM and measurement domains are discussed. 介绍了光纤环形镜的工作原理,讨论了近年来其在高速光开关,波分复用器以及特性测量等领域的若干应用研究。
- Professional users need a full keyboard based CIS, which allows them to type massive amount of texts at very high speed. 专业用家需要使用全键盘的文字输入系统,让他们高速输入大量文字。
- When the spaceship leaves the earth at very high speed, the astronauts feel as if they are being crushed against the spaceship floor. 当宇宙飞船高速离开地球时,宇航员感觉到自己似乎被紧压在飞船的地板上。
- very high speed switching device 甚高速转换器件
- The speed of this aircraft is very high. 这架飞机的速度非常快。
- Digital Power line offers very high speed Internet access.Its performance far outclasses phone/modem connections and even ISDN. 在使用输电线面对的二最大的问题为通信是过分的吵闹声水平和缆绳衰减。
- Job description:Responsibilities: Design very high speed and low power embedded SRAM and Register file in 65nm...... ... 公司名称:北京中星微电子有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-6-12
- Moreover, image encryption and decryption can be achieved at high speed optically or digitally. 此外,图像的加密和解密可以快速得用光学方法或用数字方法实现。
- To adjust the line of sight of(an optical device). 校准调整光学仪器瞄准器
- The spherical rotor is suspended by ultrasonic and is circumrotated in very high speed under surrounding magnetic field. 利用超声悬浮使球形转子悬浮起来,然后通过磁场使球形转子高速旋转。
- Design of high speed optical burst mode receiver 高速光突发模式接收机设计