- That make thing very smooth for me. 它使我一切都很顺利。
- Billiard table must be very smooth. 台球桌必须十分平整。
- The surface of this table is very smooth. 这个桌子面儿很光滑。
- Stem spinach feels very smooth, very soft leaves. 菠菜的茎摸上去很光滑,叶子却很柔软。
- The billiards desk must be very smooth. 台球桌必须十分平整。
- Though I am very smooth externally,at bottom I am very passionate. 虽然表面上我很平淡,但实际上易动情。
- He has a very smooth manner, polite interesting and a good talker. 他非常有感染力,而且还有趣,比较善谈。
- Though I am very smooth externally, at bottom I am very passionate. 尽管我外表和颜悦色,心底里也有感情的狂澜。
- The inside surface of the Rudder Pintle Housing is very smooth. 修复后的销孔内表面光滑如新。
- The rather small rubberized focus ring operates very smooth. 窄窄的橡胶变焦环转动非常顺滑。
- Europa is very smooth and seems to be covered with ice. 木卫二是一颗很光滑、似乎被冰覆盖着的卫星。
- He has a very smooth manner, polite, interesting and a good talker. 他的举止非常具有感染力,有礼貌,风度翩翩,谈吐优美。
- They made things very smooth for me, ie removed difficulties for me. 他们为我排除了困难.
- He's has a very smooth manner, polite, interesting and a good talker. 他非常有说服力,有礼貌,有感染力,真的非常不一样。
- The plane took off very smoothly. 飞机很平稳地起飞了。
- ARPG typical game, yes, the test run very smoothly! 典型的ARPG游戏,不错,经测试运行非常流畅!
- The cat looked very sleek and well fed. 这只猫毛很光滑,看来喂得很好。
- Afterburner system is runing very smoothly. 后燃加力系统运行平缓。
- Heavy herbal taste with strong tannins, but not acidic. A very smooth blend. 浓郁香料的口感。重重的单宁却不呛鼻,相当顺口的混合酒。
- Magny-Cours is a very smooth track with a mixture of fast and slow corners. 马尼库斯是一条很顺畅的赛道,是高速弯和慢速弯的混合体。