- Vertical transport ion of material should be carried out by manila rope. 材料的垂直运输要通过用麻绳提升和降落;
- Control of the Tropical Tropopause and Vertical Transport across It. 热带对流层顶控制及跨越它的垂直传输。
- The nitrate vertical transport rule in farmland soil of Tai Lake area was studied. 摘要用模拟土柱和田间定期采样的方法对太湖地区农田土壤中硝态氮垂直运移规律进行了研究。
- The valence of cation combined with nitrate had basically no influence on the nitrate vertical transport. 与硝态氮结合的阳离子价数对硝态氮的垂直运移没有影响。
- The vertical transport of soil water and nitrate N in main soil groups (yellow fluvo-aquic soils and Aeolian sandy soil) in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain was simulated by HYDRUS-1D model. 应用HYDRUS-1D模型对黄淮海平原的主要土壤(黄潮土和风沙土)中水分与硝态氮的垂直运移规律进行了模拟分析。
- JTP computer-controlled intelligent hoister is the construcion equipment specially designed for vertical transport of materials for construction and installation. JTP 电脑控制智能卷扬机是专门为建筑施工和安装工程物料的垂直运送而设计的施工设备。
- The whole house has two or four stairways for vertical transport and there is an inner circular corridor for horizontal transport at the second floor or above. 全楼有二或四个楼梯解决垂直交通,二层以上每层内向有一环形走马廊为水平联系。
- Chen X M, Pan G X, Shen Q R, Kang Y.Study on the nitrate vertical transport rule in farmland soil of Tai Lake area[J].China Environmental Science, 2001, 21(6): 481-484. [4]陈效民;潘根兴;沈其荣;康燕.;太湖地区农田土壤中硝态氮垂直运移的规律 [J]
- The results showed, the breakthrough curve of nitrate vertical transport in saturated condition was more or less non-symmetrical, mainly due to the different proportion of mobile and immobile water in the soil and soil physical properties. 结果表明,在饱和条件下,硝态氮垂直运移过程的穿透曲线呈现不对称形状和拖尾现象,主要由于土壤中存在著动水和不动水的比例不同和土壤的物理性质所致。
- Vertical transportation: reinforcing steel bar, from and so on materials should use self-lifting tower crane and one 50T crawler crane. 垂直运输:钢筋、模板等材料使用自升式塔式起重机,并配备一台50t履带式起重机。
- The vertical distribution of air temperature mainly influenced vertical transportation of aerosol. 大气温度的垂直分布主要影响气溶胶垂直输送。
- In the mid-troposphere, the vertical transportation term is positive and the tilting term is negative.The tendency of vorticity is the net result of their counteraction. 对流层中层铅直输送项的贡献为正,扭转项为负贡献,涡度变化的总趋势是它们相互作用的净结果。
- The key point of concrete construction in Cihe invert siphon project are the vertical transportation of pipeline concrete placement and the construction of mold plate process. 磁河倒虹吸工程混凝土施工的关键点在于管身段混凝土浇筑的垂直运输及模板工艺的施工。
- The vertical line meets the horizontal one here. 垂直线与水平线在此相交。
- The act of transporting piggyback. 背负式运输,驮运联运
- vertical transport under magnetic field 磁场下纵向输运
- The goods have been cased up for transport. 货物已装箱待运。
- The design of Mitsubishi PLC programming through the use of simulation software "FX-TRN-BEG-C" to tell with PLC (FX2N) control lift, lift Renhuo Wu is a kind of vertical transportation of the crane. 本设计通过使用三菱PLC编程仿真软件“FX-TRN-BEG-C”来讲述用PLC(FX2N)控制升降机,升降机是一种垂直运送人或物的起重机械。
- Please find alternative means of transport. 请另外找一个运输方法。
- A vertical or nearly vertical line or plane. 垂直线,垂直面垂直或近似垂直的线或平面