- vertical search technology 垂直搜索引擎
- Is Vertical Search Space Finished? 垂直搜索还有戏吗?
- Applying the PageRank,the search technology is improved effectively. PageRank算法大大提高了检索效率.
- The vertical search's words, helped the user to find the current event, usefully, these effective information. 垂直搜索的话,帮用户找到时事、有用、那些有效的信息。
- In building the deep vertical search portals, the key is to reach into the specific professional community in a number of ways. 在建立深厚垂直搜索门户,关键是要达成具体专业融入社区在多方面。
- Accoona Corp, a pioneer in Artificial Intelligence search technology, is breaking new ground in competitive search. Accoona作为人工智能搜索技术的先行者,正努力开拓搜索新领域。
- In artificial intelligence chart search technology, take width first as search strategy. 人工智能里的图搜索技术,以宽度优先为搜索策略。
- Semel realized that Yahoo did not have its own search technology and search advertising deal with the lack of software. 塞梅尔意识到,雅虎既没有掌握自有搜索技术,又缺乏处理搜索广告的软件。
- What is the vertical search? 什么是垂直搜索?
- Lee worked for Microsoft from 2000 to 2004 and helped develop its MSN Internet search technology, including desktop search software rivaling Google's. 李开复在2000年到2004年在微软公司工作,并且帮助发展MSN互联网搜索技术,包括桌面搜索与谷歌竞争。
- SOFTQICHAO trade search engine syste. What is the vertical search? Software industry vertical search Vertical Search in the Enterprise Ap. Software industry vertical search en. Client-oriented and the main applica. 垂直搜索在企业应用中的作用什么是垂直搜索?垂直搜索引擎深度分析。
- Accoona Artificial Intelligence is a Search Technology that understands the meaning of search queries beyond the conventional method of matching keywords. Accoona人工智能是一种搜索技术,它可以理解搜索请求的意思,而不是那种依靠关键字匹配的传统方法。
- A vertical search engine based on timeliness is constructed, which is mainly directed at improving the rate of professional searching thoroughly, elaborately and newly. 摘要基于时效性信息的特征,构建了一个用来提高专业搜索的“查全、准、新率”的垂直搜索引擎。
- This paper, taking the airfare for example, analyzes the acquisition and filtering of timeliness information, and thus presents the critical procedures on the ground of timeliness vertical search engine. 以航空机票价格为例,分析了时效性信息的获取和过滤技术,并给出了基于时效性垂直搜索引擎的关键程序。
- At the same time, using the parallelizability of ants and distributed parapllelized search technology, the performance of the algorithm can be efficiently improved. 同时,利用蚂蚁之间的可并行性,采用分布式技术实现蚂蚁之间的并行搜索,改进了算法的效率。
- Features include PageRank, caching and translation of results, and an option to find similar pages.The company's focus is developing search technology. Enables users to search the Web免费网络硬盘免费网络硬盘, Usenet免费网络硬盘免费网络硬盘, and images.
- Where to travel search of vertical search engines, users in the search results will appear after a springboard for a more clear, so long when the performance is not a particularly prominent. 去哪儿旅游搜索属于垂直搜索引擎,用户在搜索结果之后会出现一个比较明显的跳板,所以反映时长表现得并不是特别突出。
- In this paper, Author analyses the localization of compositive searching engine, advantages and developmental trend of vertical searching engine. 文章简要分析了综合搜索引擎的局限、垂直搜索引擎的优势及其发展方向。
- This paper studies the searching technology supported by CMS, it discusses distributed searching technology based on JXTA CMS in detail. 本文探讨CMS搜索技术,重点研究CMS分布式搜索技术。
- The whole paper is organized as follows:The First Chapter analyzes the current situation of WWW and searching technology on WWW. 全文共分为以下五章:第一章介绍了WWW和WWW上搜索技术发展的现状。