- vertical frontal line 正垂线
- Now Redecker Nupp as if wants a master's frontal line nest end. 如今雷德克纳普似乎想把老东家的锋线一窝端。
- In the frontal line lets Leib and raises the partner abundantly. 锋线上则让赫莱布和博扬搭档。
- Kapeiluo has determined Defoe and Looney's partner in the frontal line. 卡佩罗在锋线上确定了迪福和鲁尼的搭档。
- Along with Bartow husband's alliance, the frontal line has assumed “is fully occupied” the tendency. 随着巴托夫的加盟,的锋线已呈“人满为患”的趋势。
- In the frontal line, Li Jinyu teams up the Milly peaceful first round the possibility to be biggest. 锋线上,李金羽搭档米利安首发的可能性最大。
- If negotiates smoothly, Han Duan is hopeful and Ma Ta the partner frontal line goes on an expedition the big alliance. 如果谈判顺利,韩端有望和玛塔搭档锋线征战大联盟。
- The illusion opening must give credit to the frontal line which has a high opinion in Muliniao “the trident”. 梦幻般的开局要归功于穆里尼奥所倚重的锋线“三叉戟”。
- Compares with the previous season, Liverpool's lineup has not presented the big change, and made up Loby - Kean in the frontal line. 与上赛季相比,利物浦的阵容并没有出现大的变动,并在锋线上补进了罗比-基恩。
- The new season returns to Mei Acha field Adeliyanuo, similarly is the frontal line murderer who Muliniao has a high opinion. 新赛季重返梅阿查球场的阿德里亚诺,同样是穆里尼奥颇为倚重的锋线杀手。
- He expressed that in Shanxi new tonight main looked against object will be once broke through oneself goal's frontal line murderer Cullem and Otto. 他表示陕西中新今天晚上主要的看防对象将是曾经攻破自己球门的锋线杀手卡利姆和奥托。
- Record before this is 0102 season away games 3-0 wins Fei Neiba to cut, at that time led Ferrell, the frontal line commanding general also had Keluyiweite. 此前的纪录是0102赛季客场3-0大胜费内巴切,当时带队的还是费雷尔,锋线主将还有克鲁伊维特。
- In the present Team Shanxi, Vicent and the king huge mythical bird's frontal line combination has become Team Shanxi to attack a city pulls out the stronghold the sharp weapon. 在如今陕西队中,维森特与王鹏的锋线组合已成为陕西队攻城拔寨的锐利武器。
- The vertical line meets the horizontal one here. 垂直线与水平线在此相交。
- The 16th minute, because in the team top-quality shooter Johannsen stops play is broken by the temporary arrangements in frontal line horse Rico for Team Shenzhen the deadlock. 第16分钟,因队中头号射手约翰森停赛而被临时安排在锋线的马里科为深圳队打破僵局。
- Because the Stella ridge goes to Manchester to face the frontal line uncultivated land, main force vanguard Samalasi, the sea is filling Link as well as Killen the wound misses. 斯特拉坎前往曼彻斯特面临着锋线荒,主力前锋萨马拉斯、海塞林克以及基伦都因伤缺阵。
- Those who let the fan happy is, absented first two round competition's frontal line senior general Han Peng also to participate in the training, and had is not vulgar displays. 更让球迷高兴的是,缺席了前两轮比赛的锋线大将韩鹏也参加了训练,并有不俗表现。
- Wu Peng, the Yao academician and Zhou Yi changes Deng Zhuoxiang, Zhou Liao and the week is permanent, and pushes waist Egypt Mosen to the frontal line changes kicks the vanguard. 吴鹏、姚翰林和周熠换下邓卓翔、周燎和周恒,并将后腰埃莫森推至锋线改踢前锋。
- Because Joel Dan has the wound in the body, Head Coach Zhou Suian replaces him with often Lin to play the guard, Cullem and Otto composes the frontal line partner. 由于乔尔丹有伤在身,主教练周穗安用常琳顶替他打中后卫,卡利姆和奥托则组成锋线搭档。
- Frontal line partner Ferlan acknowledges Arab League Kui Luo at present definitely not in the optimum condition: “any players cannot bear such competition schedule. 锋线搭档弗兰承认阿奎罗目前肯定不在最佳状态:“任何一名球员都受不了这样的赛程。”