- vertex symmetry 顶点对称
- Having or marked by bilateral symmetry. 左右对称的以或表现为左右对称的
- Situated at the vertex or highest point; directly overhead. 顶点的在顶点或者最高点的; 头的正上方的
- Of or relating to the vertex of the head. 头颅顶的属于头顶的或与其相关的
- To form the parts of with balance or symmetry. 使平衡,使对称形成带有平衡或对称的各部分
- A vertex with zero outdegree is called a sink. 出度为零的顶点称作收点。
- Let us label each vertex with a 4 or 3 accordingly. 我们给每一个顶点相应地标上4或3。
- Vertex streams confuse me how do they work? 顶点流数据让我觉得有些糊涂,它们是怎么工作的?
- He was not insensible to her rosy symmetry. 他不可能对她那艳丽的面孔视若无睹。
- Both are esthetic and depend much on symmetry. 两种活动都要求美感和匀称性。
- Many stems and toots show radial symmetry. 很多的茎和根都是辐射对称的。
- Defines various custom fixed-format vertex types. 定义各种自定义固定格式的顶点类型。
- Characterized by radial symmetry. 放射状对称的以放射状对称为特征的
- Vertex format includes a diffuse color component. 顶点格式包括漫射颜色分量。
- Vertex format includes a specular color component. 顶点格式包括反射颜色分量。
- Vertex format includes a vertex normal vector. 顶点格式包括顶点法线向量。
- In bodily form, symmetry is beauty. 在体型方面,对称就是美。
- Object to associate with the vertex buffer. 与顶点缓冲区关联的。
- Locks, sets, and unlocks a range of vertex data. 锁定、设置和取消锁定某一范围的顶点数据。
- God made perfect things in symmetry. 上帝让完美的东西有对称性。