- venereal wart condyloma acuminata 性病湿疣
- Either through abstinence or condoms, one should always attempt to avoid sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/AIDS, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, herpes and venereal warts. 要么节欲,要么用安全套。每个人都应该避免性传播疾病,包括HIV/AIDS、淋病、衣原体感染、梅毒、疱疹以及生殖器疣等。
- Either through abstinence or condoms, one should always attempt to avoid sexually transmitted diseases including HIV/ AIDS, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, herpes and venereal warts. 要么节欲,要么用安全套。每个人都应该避免性传播疾病,包括HIV/IDS、病、原体感染、毒、疹以及生殖器疣等。
- Answer: It is venereal, infection causes acuteness wet wart. 答:是性传播疾病;锐尖湿疣全是点染引发的.
- Is acuteness wet wart venereal? To which one division should look? 尖锐湿疣是性病吗?应该到哪一科看?
- venereal wart 性病疣
- What is the acuteness that infection causes excuse me is wet wart venereal? 想问问啥是点染引发的锐尖湿疣是性传播疾病么?
- While my computer is busy, I scan my wart. 电脑忙着的时候,我审视我的疣。
- I wart to buy a carton of ashima . 我要买一箱阿诗玛香烟。
- Gonorrhea and syphilis are venereal diseases. 淋病和梅毒是性
- False sex wet wart this how proper treatment? 假性湿疣该怎么正确的治疗?
- To prevent venereal, increased socioeconomy burden. 为防性病,增加了社会经济负担。
- Got acuteness wet wart to you can want a child? 得了尖锐湿疣能要小孩吗?
- All Libras die of venereal disease. 所有天平都死于性病。
- The remedial method of compressed wart? 扁平疣的治疗方法?
- Who can explain to me the explanation is venereal? 谁能给我解释解释是不是性病啊?
- Flat Wart Zhuahen often along with a beaded-like. 扁平疣常沿抓痕呈串珠状排列。
- Got venereal meeting what to symptom there is? 得了性病会有什么症状?
- The surgeon cauterized the wart. 这位外科医生对这个瘤子采用灼烧的办法。
- This is sprayed on or applied to the wart. 这是被喷上的,或者适用于树瘤。