- He intended to drive his car and admire the view. 他想自己开着车去观赏风景。
- Mr. Collings was at leisure to look around him and admire. 柯林先生悠闲自在地朝四下望望,瞻仰瞻仰一切。
- Antonia looked eagerly about the house and admire every thing. 安东妮亚热切地朝屋子四面望着,对每一样东西都赞不绝口。
- It's not difficult to understand and admire Miss Hollis ' wisdom. 不难理解并赞赏赫丽思小姐的聪慧。
- The zoo has tens of birds for the tourists to view and admire. 动物园里有几十种陆禽可供游人参观。
- And shall we still applaud and admire their shining furs? 我们还会去称赞、羡慕他们身上华丽的毛皮吗?
- I tied it with fuzzy white yarn, and admired my work. 我用毛茸茸的白纱线把它系好,欣赏着我的杰作。
- It grew on a venerable and venerated family tree. 它长在一棵历史悠久、受人尊敬的“家族树”上。
- You must stand in awe and admire my handiwork, and of course meas well. 人们喜欢跳跃,喜欢设计和驾驶。
- Visit the Tiger Island and admire the big cates playing and swimming . 还有, 千万别错过了观赏稀世奇珍-白色孟加拉虎的大好机会。
- He still looked venerable and imposing. 他仍然显得那么德高望重,那么仪表堂堂。
- Some early Protestants venerated and honored Mary. 一些早期的新教徒崇敬和尊敬玛丽亚。
- They express their appreciation and admiration. 他们相互欣赏和赞美。
- If there are sentient beings who venerate and worship Guan Yin Bodhisattva, their merit cannot be diminished. 若有众生,恭敬礼拜观世音菩萨,福不唐捐。
- But he knew Madeline feared and admired her father. 但是他知道,梅德琳对她父亲既害怕又崇拜。
- The reader cannot withhold his interest and admiration. 读者无法抑制自己的兴趣和赞佩。
- I respect him and admire his ability to remain cool in face of danger. 我尊敬他也佩服他能在危险面前保持冷静。
- His achievements earned him respect and admiration. 他的成就赢得人们的尊敬和仰慕。
- His achievements earn him respect and admiration. 他取得的成就使他受到尊敬和钦佩。
- I really respected and admired her. 我相当敬重也很崇拜她。