- Japan Blade Server First Half 2005 Vendor Analysis 日本刀锋型服务器市场2005年上半年度销售分析
- The vendor signs a contract with the purchaser. 卖方须与买方签订契约。
- She looked at the vendor who cheated her the other day with distaste. 她厌恶地望着那个前几天曾经欺骗过她的小贩。
- The vendor is out of order again. 这台自动售货机又坏了。
- The list contain name of the vendor we do business with. 这个名单上有与我们有业务往来的卖主的名字。
- One who draws blood for analysis or transfusion. 放血医师为化验或输血而抽血的人
- A few militant members of the crowd attacked the vendor. 人群中几个好斗的人攻击了那个小贩。
- Your critical analysis helped me a great deal. 你的评论分析对我帮助很大。
- The metal was submitted to analysis. 对该金属进行了分析。
- Her analysis was correct to the nail. 她的分析极其正确。
- He must inform the vendor immediately. 他必须立即通知卖方。
- Textual analysis identified the author as Shakespeare. 对原文的分析研究鉴定出作者是莎士比亚。
- The vendor can turn his stock every day. 小贩每天都能把进的货卖完。
- The cake on analysis was found to contain traces of toxin. 经分析发现蛋糕里含有微量的毒素。
- Close analysis of sales figures showed clear regional variations. 对销售额的仔细分析显示出明显的地区差别。
- The vendor was a venerable Irishman. 小贩是个可敬的爱尔兰老人。
- A Vietnamese flower vendor sorts roses in Hanoi. 河内一名越南卖花小贩正在拣选玫瑰。
- We agreed with his acute analysis of the political situation. 我们都同意他对政治形势的深刻分析。
- I bought an apple from the fruit vendor. 我从水果贩那买了一个苹果。
- A document sent to a vendor requesting goods or services. 一种提交给卖主的,关于购买货物和服务要求的单据。