- The vehicle bump at bridge approach is a common problem with great damage. 桥头发生跳车现象,是一个十分普遍的问题,其危害极大。
- Vehicle bumping at bridge-head is a kind of common phenomenon in the small bridges and culverts of mountain highway under operation. 桥头跳车是山区公路小桥涵运营中的一种常见现象,它影响了行车的舒适与安全。
- The vehicle bumping at the connecting part bewteen the freeway abutment and the embankment is one of the urgent problems in the process of freeway construction. 高速公路桥台与路堤衔接处的跳车是高速公路建设中急需解决的问题之一。
- Reinforcement of soft soil foundation with dusting pile is capable of effectively lowering the settlement of subgrade,lessening the vehicle bump at bridge head. 通过使用粉喷桩加固软基,有效降低路基沉降,减少桥头跳车现象。
- If the vehicle bumps a lot and may lead to increased excitability of baby vestibular organ, causing motion sickness. 如果车辆颠簸得厉害,就有可能导致宝宝前庭器官兴奋性提高,引起晕车。
- Bumping into you like that is a bit of luck. 这样意外碰见你真是幸运。
- She tripped and went down with a bump. 她绊了一下,猛地跌倒在地上。
- The causes and prevention measure of vehicle bumping at the ends of bridge 桥头跳车原因与防治措施
- The two children collided with a bump. 两个孩子砰的一声撞上了。
- I really am so sorry to bump into you. 撞着你了真是非常抱歉。
- Simply Talking about Treatment of Vehicle Bump at Bridge Head on Freeway 浅谈高速公路桥头跳车的处理
- That bad failure brought them down to earth with a bump. 那次惨重的失败才使他们猛然知道天高地厚。
- Each vehicle is interchangeable. 各个装置都可互换。
- Mind you don't bump your head on the low ceiling. 天花板很低,留神别碰头。
- The tail exhaust pipe of the motor vehicle emitted poisonous smoke. 机动车的尾部排气管排出有毒的浓烟。
- She tripped over a bump on the road. 她被路上一块隆起的地面绊了一下。
- A bump on the head caused her amnesia. 她因头部撞了一下而得了健忘症。
- A bumper is a part of a motor vehicle. 保险杆是机动车辆的一部分。
- The police kept a file of missing vehicle. 警察留有丢失车辆的档案。
- No man feel like laughing when he bump his funny bone. 没有人在撞伤了笑筋时想要笑。