- vegetative dispersal ability 无性扩散
- The perfect free fluidity and dispersal ability of this product are very stability in different temperature and relative humidity. 具有良好的自由流动性和分散性,在不同温度和相对湿度条件下十分稳定。
- The tests indicated that the dispersant has good dispersion ability to the ordinary ceramic slurry. 测试表明该分散剂对普通陶瓷料浆分散效果显著。
- The TEM photographs showed that the modified calcium carbonate had better disperse ability in cyclohexane. TEM照片显示改性的碳酸钙在环己烷中有更好的分散性能;
- It was found that PBO fiber and Kevlar fiber had a good dispersion ability, while PBO pulp and AKZO pulp could be dispersed very well by adding some polymers and surfactants. 研究结果表明,PBO纤维和Kevlar纤维较容易分散,而PBO浆粕和AKZO浆粕通过带电高分子聚合物和表面活性剂共同作用可以达到理想的分散效果。
- General properties of amphoteric surfactants were introduced such as rheological property,hydrotropic property,lime soap dispersing ability and hard water-resistance. 介绍了两性表面活性剂的流变性、水溶助长性、钙皂分散性和抗硬水性等一般性质。
- The test results show that this super plasticizer posse some superior characteristics, such as high dispersing ability, fluidity keeping ability, low alkali contained. 试验表明,聚羧酸塑化剂具有减水率高、流动保持能力好、碱含量低等特性。
- They called for the peaceful dispersal of the demonstrators. 他们要求示威者和平解散。
- A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top. 像他这样才能出众的人终究会升到最上层的。
- It is a systematic attempt to strengthen our competitive ability. 那是为增强我们的竞争能力而作的有计划的努力。
- He is mistrustful of my ability. 他不信任我的才干。
- Industry sometimes compensates for lack of ability. 勤勉有时可以弥补能力之不足。
- She is endowed with great writing ability. 她具有杰出的写作天赋。
- She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency. 她有处变不惊的本事。
- The means of dispersal are wind, water and animals. 传播的媒介有风、水和动物。
- This is a task well within your ability. 这完全是你力所能及的工作。
- Her ability marked her out for political success. 她的才能表明她必能在政治上取得成就。
- Come, give us a taste of your ability. 过来试一试你的本领。
- The pupils are streamed into four ability groups. 这些学生按智力划分成四个小组。
- The students' success attested to their ability. 学生们的成功证明了他们的能力。