- Abstract: Some vegetation indices for the vegetation leaf water content, such as NDVI, WI, NDWI, MSI, CSI and NDII, were analyzed and compared based on the hyperspectral data simulated by PROSAIL. 中文摘要: 文章基于耦合的叶片与冠层辐射传输模型,研究并使用改进的植被指数提取植被含水量,实现植被水分含量的遥感监测。
- vegetation leaf water 植被叶面水
- Description:Knut &a Vegetable leaf, Berlin Zoo. 柏林动物园北极熊努特与蔬菜叶.
- Don't leave water running to clean vegetable. 洗菜时不要开着水龙头让水直流。
- Don't leave water running to clean vegetables. 洗菜时不要开着水龙头让水直淌。
- I have a sense that fish leave water. 我有一种象鱼儿离开了水的感觉。
- During the day water loss by transpiration exceeds water absorption by the roots, and leaf water potential decline. 白天蒸腾作用散失的水分超过根系吸收的水分,因而叶子的水势就下降。
- A reduction in ??assimilation was observed concomitantly with a loss in leaf water content. 在?滞0化作用下降的同时,我们观察到叶子含水量的丧失。
- The results showed that the leaf water potential of cherry tomato under DFT was higher than that under NFT. 结果表明,DFT条件下樱桃番茄叶水势相对较高,且日变化平缓。
- Study on leaf water potential,transpiration and water use efficiency in different growth forms of reed in plain desert area of northern Xinjiahg. 北疆平原荒漠区不同生长型芦苇叶片水势、蒸腾速率及水分利用效率的研究
- The drought stress increased leaf water potential, and stomatal resistance and decreased transpiration rate and photosynthetic rate. 乾旱胁迫使叶片水势、气孔阻力增大,蒸腾速率、光合作用速率下降。
- Soil matric potential,leaf water potential and atmosphere water potential is diversity in temporal and spatial variation. 通过相关性分析得出土壤基质势,叶水势,大气水势三者在时间和空间上都有很大的差别。
- Soil matric potential, leaf water potential and atmosphere water potential is diversity in temporal and spatial variation. 通过相关性分析得出土壤基质势,叶水势,大气水势三者在时间和空间上都有很大的差别。
- The farmers ploughed the vegetable leaves back to enrich the soil. 农夫们把蔬菜叶犁入土中作肥料。
- The result indicated that water stress reduced leaf water potential, transpiration rate, chlorophyll content and the rate of photosynthesis. 结果表明:胁迫使植株叶水势、蒸腾速率、叶绿素含量、光合速率均有所降低。
- Influencing factors of leaf water potential includes soil water content,soil salt,net radiation,atmosphere humidity and atmosphere temperature. 通过相关性分析得出叶水势的影响因素有:土壤水分、盐分,净辐射,大气湿度,大气温度。
- The path leads to a hill bare of vegetation. 这条小道通向一座没有草木的小山。
- The plant water status was evaluated using the leaf water potential measurements, leaf relative water content, leaf chlorophyll content and air/ leaf temperature gradient. 植物中水分状况通过植物叶面水势、面相对含水量、面叶绿素含量和空气/面温度梯度来估算。
- In winter and spring, they were polyphagia and their food were mainly earthworm, insect, vegetal leaf and humanity discarded food. 冬、春季灰椋鸟为杂食性鸟类,主要啄食蚯蚓、昆虫、植物叶和人类丢弃的食物。
- Using cuttage was conducted the study on drought resistanceindications and physiologic reaction of 6 poplar varieties in leaf water,net photosynthate,transpiration rate. 利用扦插苗对6个杨树品种进行抗旱指标与叶片水分、净光合产物、蒸腾速率等生理反应研究。