- vegetable nursery bed 蔬菜苗床
- The experiments on fertilizer application forDiospyros lotus were made with seed-lings grown in nursery bed,with 6 treatments and 3 repeats. 试验采用苗床施肥,6个处理,3次重复,田间随机区组排列。
- In view of nursery bed, the germination property and variation individuals varied with seed bearer but without regional differences. 在播种苗床上看 ,发芽特性和变异个体的出现因母树不同而有变异 ,但没有发现地域性差异。
- Seedlings were plan-ted in mixed medium as transitional nursery bed with clean environment, rational watering, light and temperature, 40 days later, they could be transplanted in field. 采用蛭石(6)、珍珠岩(3)、泥炭(1)混合基质作移栽过渡苗床,注意保持环境清洁,控制合理的水分、光照、温度,可以达到较高成活率,苗床过渡 40 d 即可移入大田栽培。
- Effect of Vegetable Health Seedling Agent Applied in Vegetable Nursery of Protected Field 蔬菜壮苗剂在保护地蔬菜育苗中的应用效果
- He thinks the vegetable is a bit tasteless. 他觉得蔬菜没有什么味道。
- Many children under 5 go to nursery school. 5岁以下的许多儿童都上幼儿园。
- The brook warbled over its rocky bed. 小溪潺潺流过多石的河床。
- She's all for more nursery schools being built. 她坚持主张多建托儿所。
- Many children under5 go to nursery school. 5岁以下的许多儿童都上幼儿园。
- From a child, he do not like to eat vegetable. 从小时候起他就不喜欢吃蔬菜。
- What brand of vegetable oil are you using? 你正在用的植物油是什么牌子?
- We bought a small tree at the nursery. 我们在苗圃买了一棵小树。
- Since she suffered brain damage in the accident she's been a vegetable. 自从事故中脑子受损坏後,她成了植物人。
- She rushed off to work leaving her bed unmade. 她匆忙去上班连床都没铺好。
- The nursery is somewhere hereabout. 托儿所就在这儿附近。
- I gave the vegetable plot a quick dig. 我把菜地很快翻了一遍。
- Children in this nursery are taken good care of. 这个托儿所的孩子受到很好的照顾。
- This nursery rhyme is very familiar to me. 我对这首摇篮曲很熟悉。
- A mosquito netting completely surrounds our bed. 一顶蚊帐把我们的床完全围住了。