- The research centre is affiliated with the university. 该研究中心隶属于该大学。
- University of Salford: Research centre for future workspaces. 索尔福徳大学未来工作空间研究中心。
- There is a research centre for nature and wild life there. 有一个研究中心的性质和野生的生活。
- There are many others besides me who want to visit your research centre. 除我之外还有许多人想参观你们的研究中心。
- Plans for the new research centre were rejected due to lack of funding. 身体受到协调不同部位的大脑中枢系统的控制。
- The research centre worked out a new plan and decided to carry it out immediately. 研究中心拟订出一项新计划并决定立即实施。
- The precoolimg procedure of eggplant, tomato and sweet pepper were studied by the air-forced precooling system designed and produced by Beijing vegetable research center and Qinghua University. 在自行研制的差压预冷通风系统中,对茄子、番茄、青椒差压预冷方法进行了试验研究。
- Xiang Xiang's release came after nearly three years of training to toughen him up(2) at the research centre. 祥祥在放归之前曾接受将近三年的生存训练。
- The absurd and backward-looking notion of locating a research centre in an effete, rundown, has-been country. 把研究中心设在一个苍老、衰退、过了时的国家,纯属愚蠢,开倒车的想法。
- In 1994, we assisted in the formation of the Buddhist Research Centre at the University of Auckland. 一九九四年协助奥克兰大学成立佛学研究社。
- FoE aims to establish the first-ever renewable energy education and research centre in Hong Kong. 地球之友将会建设全港首个可再生能源教育及研究中心,并会命名为地球站。
- Fees paid by crossed cheque should be made payable to“ Luk Chiu Kwan Hung's Child Development Research Centre”. 请以划线支票付款,抬头请书“陆赵钧鸿儿童发展研究中心”。
- But AstraZeneca has also set up a research centre outside Shanghai crammed with advanced drug-discovery tools. 而阿斯特捷利康同时还在上海之外设立了一家医学研究装备先进的研究中心。
- Ellen Hambrecht,NutrecoR&D .Key factors for meat quality[J]Swine Research Centre. 王继鹏;岳新叶;王家国.;生猪宰前静养和猪肉质量生猪宰前静养与猪肉质量[J]肉类工业,2007;312(4):7-9
- The Seismology Research Centre says the earthquake measured 3.8 On the Richter Scale with an epicentre about 80 kilometres south-west of Sydney. 地震研究中心称这次地震的震级为里氏3.;8级;震中位于悉尼西南80公里处。
- This work was conducted at the CUHK Epithelial Cell Biology Research Centre and in collaboration with Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences. 该项研究是在香港中文大学上皮细胞生物学研究中心进行,并与浙江医学科学院合作完成。
- He thinks the vegetable is a bit tasteless. 他觉得蔬菜没有什么味道。
- Lingnan University urged the government to set up a research centre in a local university to conduct compiling and editing work of the gazetteer. 岭南大学更建议政府于本地一所大学成立一个研究中心,以进行资料收集及编制香港地方志的工作。
- First Prize of the 1990 Excellent English Papers in Secondary Schools, Sponsored by ELT Research Centre of Educational Bureau of Linyi and Linyi Educational Society, July,1990. 1990年7月,一九九零年中学英语学科优秀论文壹等奖,山东临沂市教研室、临沂市教育学会主办.
- From a child, he do not like to eat vegetable. 从小时候起他就不喜欢吃蔬菜。