- The plane is soaring in the vast sky. 飞机在辽阔的天空中翱翔。
- Airplanes are flying in the vast sky. 飞机在长空飞翔。
- The vast sky, the sea out of beautiful flowers. 广阔的天空,海面上开出了美丽的花朵。
- A few seabirds fly in the vast sky over the river. 一眼望去江天上只有几只海鸟。
- Please choose vast sky when fixed GPS position first time. 第一次使用GPS定位时;请选择较佳天空状态.
- He felt munch happier upon seeing the autumn water, and vast sky. 看着这一片秋水长天,他觉得舒畅多了。
- The wide-angle lens photography has the vast sky and the sufficient prospect panoram picture is very ideal. 广角镜头拍摄具有辽阔天空和充足前景的全景图片是非常理想。
- Sadat (DART) is a ready the javelin, it will across the vast sky, and strive to become the industry's pioneers. 达特(DART)是一支蓄势待发的标枪,它将划破长空,奋力成为行业的先锋。
- Have powerful wing only, ability strikes to lanneret vast sky provides driving motive power. 假如将中国的制鞋行业比作一只雄鹰的话,鞋机制造业和鞋材制造业就是雄鹰的两只翅膀。只有强而有力的翅膀,才能给雄鹰搏击长空提供强劲的原动力。
- Yeliangrushui, coldest desolate lonely. Little greater, suffused with unattainable indifference Qinghui, vast sky, distant and blurred. 夜凉如水,冷月凄寂。点点繁星,泛着不可企及的冷漠清辉,浩瀚苍穹,辽远而迷离。
- Today, we as before, in the vast sky fly like loud roc spread the wings, make unceasing progress demand high break-through! 今天,我们将一如既往、大鹏展翅般的翱翔于长空,不断进取需求更高的突破!
- But you have to remember! Kite is the beginning of our friendship, and the vast sky, our memories, bright sun is our laughter! 但请妳们记住!风筝起初的线是我们的友谊,辽阔的天空是我们的囬忆,灿烂的阳光则是我们的欢笑!)
- Early people's hawk and vulture on the ground to the mountain, albatrosses, gulls on the sea surface, can float to fly in the vast sky , could not be regarded as intelligibly. 早期人们对山地上的鹰和鹫,海面上的信天翁、海鸥,能在长空飘飞,认为是不可理解的。
- Favorite snow to the number of children, each time it snowed, we would excitedly out of the classroom, facing the vast sky shouting happily, and then crowhop with snow falling children. 最喜欢雪的要数小孩子,每次下雪了,我们都会兴奋地冲出教室,对着莽莽雪舞的天空大叫,快乐地跺着脚,然后蹦跳着窜进纷飞的雪花儿。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- The huge trees were profiled against the night sky. 在夜空的映衬下显出大树的轮廓。
- He is a vast library in epitome. 他脑中有万卷藏书。
- Giving a Vast Sky to a Successor 给后任留下一片天