- 暮色苍茫中in the dusk of the evening
- 云水苍茫infinity of heaven and sea
- 问苍茫大地,I ask the great earth and boundless blue
- 苍茫云海间,In an infinite haze of cloud and sea
- 那时苍茫的暮色,已经开始把那些山谷染成一片烟霭凄迷的图画了。The evening films began to make nebulous pictures of the valleys.
- 夜色苍茫。The shades of dusk are deepening.
- 爱在天地苍茫时The Horseman On The Roof
- 卡森睁开眼睛,只见自己躺在沙子上,仰望着隐约的蓝色苍茫。Carson opened his eyes and found himself lying on sand, looking upward into a flickering blue dimness.
- 卡森挣开眼睛,只见自己躺在沙上,仰望着隐约的蓝色苍茫。Carson opened his eyes and found himself lying on sand, looking upward into a flickering blue dimness
- 又是一夜苍茫等待What a nightwhat a starry night
- 老人冲进风浪翻腾的苍茫大海。The old man plowed on into the gigantic wilderness of wave and writhing sea.
- 在夏日的暮色苍茫中,我跟萨金特·卡夫探长并肩向激沙滩走去。Side by side, in the gray of the summer evening, Sergeant Cuff and I set forth for the Shivering Sand.
- 轮船在苍茫的大海上航行。The ship was sailing on the vast sea.
- 一片苍茫的海天景色A vast expanse of sea and sky
- 明月出天山,苍茫云海间"The bright moon lifts from the Mountain of Heaven In an infinite haze of cloud and sea,"
- 明月出天山, 苍茫云海间;"The Bright moon lifts from the Mountain of Heaven In an infinite haze of cloud and sea,"
- 山盟海誓渺若烟云般苍茫The solemn pledge of love is grey and blue just like the mist and cloud
- 暮色苍茫下,浑身泥浆的士兵看去就像白茫茫的平野上一个白糊糊的幽灵。In the twilight, covered with mud, the men look like silver shadows on a wan silver plain.
- 我们静听暮色苍茫中响起的一个圆润洪亮的声音。We listened to a rich voice which rolled out into the dusk.
- 他的身影溶没在苍茫的夜色中。He faded into the darkness.