- variolosa osteomyelitis [医] 天花性骨髓炎
- His wife was confined to bed with pyogenic osteomyelitis. 他妻子因患化脓性骨髓炎而卧病在床。
- Osteomyelitis induced by Salmonella species was less common in the literature. 由沙门杆菌造成的骨髓炎在文献上较少被提及。
- Objective To study The value of CT in diagnosing acute osteomyelitis. 目的研究CT在急性骨髓炎诊断中的价值。
- The patient's osteomyelitis resolved completely and she had good bone fusion. 钦金属材质更有利于术后的磁振摄影追踪,实为此类颈椎感染病患的最佳选择。
- Conclusion:These cases of Osteomyelitis all were primary chronic osteomyelitis. 结论:本组成人骨盆骨骨髓炎病例均为原发性慢性骨髓炎。
- Objective To determine the value of MRI in the diagnosis of vert eb ral osteomyelitis. 目的确定mri对脊椎骨髓炎的诊断价值。
- The most frequent mistreating is curettage for a malignant lesion based on a misdiagnosis, such as osteomyelitis, fibrodysplacia, GCT, cyst, etc. 对恶性骨肿瘤给予刮除植骨.;该类错误治疗的原因多是误诊为骨髓炎、纤维结构不良、骨巨细胞瘤或囊肿等。
- Osteomyelitis, spinal cord cavity disease, bone arthropathy and various difficult disease arousing to various cause. 对于各种原因引起的骨髓炎,脊髓空洞症,骨关节病及各种疑难病。
- Thelesion must be differentiated erom TB, chronic osteomyelitis and osteogenicsarcoma. The importance of early diagnosis was also pointed out. 应与骨结核、骨髓炎,溶骨性肉瘤鉴别,并提出早期诊断的重要性。
- We reported a rare case of osteomyelitis of tarsus caused by Salmonella group C who was treated successfully with surgical debridement and antibiotics. 本文报告一例由C型沙门杆菌造成的跗骨骨髓炎的少见病例,经由清创手术及抗生素治疗之后痊愈。
- Objective To discuss the screenage assessment and clinical significance on acute pyogenic osteomyelitis. 目的探讨急性化脓性骨髓炎的影像学特点及在临床诊断中的价值。
- Frontal osteomyelitis induced by sinusitis is the most frequent clinical presentation. 额窦炎导致额骨骨髓炎通常会破坏额骨及额窦的结构,这是临床上常见的现象。
- There were 1 case bone grafting failure because of osteomyelitis and 2 cases aclusion. 1例下颌角骨折口内入路,外斜线固定,形成假关节,经二次手术植骨后达到骨性愈合。
- Objective To explore the effects of free vascularized Greater omentum grafting for treatment of chronic osteomyelitis. 目的探讨游离大网膜移植治疗慢性骨髓炎的治疗效果。
- Conclusion CT scan will helpdifferentiate stress fracture from bone malignancy and sclerotic osteomyelitis. 结论CT扫描有助于应力骨折和骨恶性肿瘤和硬化型骨髓炎的鉴别。
- Objective. To assess the efficacy of titanium mesh cages in the treatment of active vertebral osteomyelitis. 目的:评价钛(网)笼在治疗活跃的椎体骨髓炎中的有效性。
- Objective: To achieve better standard of early diagnosis and treatment of pyogenic osteomyelitis of ilium in children. 目的:为了提高小儿化脓性髂骨骨髓炎早期诊治水平。
- Objective: To analyse and discuss the etiology and treatment of peripheral osteomyelitis of mandible. 目的:分析下颌骨边缘性骨髓炎患者的病因及最佳治疗方法。
- Conclusion The traetment of chronic femoral neck osteomyelitis with vascularized fibular grafting can remove ... 腓骨与股骨颈愈合后长时期起到支撑作用,防止发生股骨颈病理性骨折。