- My ideas are at variance with his. 我的思想和他的不同。
- Nothing can set the twin brothers at variance. 没有什么事能使这对双胞胎兄弟吵起来。
- Her conduct is at variance with her words. 她言行不一。
- This theory is at variance with the known facts. 这种理论与已知事实不符。
- We are at variance about our lodger. 我们在对待房客的问题上意见不一。
- The question of woman suffrage sets them at variance. 妇女参政的问题使他们发生争执。
- variance gradient 方差梯度
- His actions are often at variance with his principles. 他的行为经常与他的原则不相符合
- We have never had a variance with our neighbors. 我们从未和邻居发生过一次龃龉。
- Jill and Sue are at variance (with each other) over/about their lodger. 吉尔和休在对待房客的问题上(彼此)意见不和。
- The resulting solution is known as the gradient. 合成解就是通常的梯度风。
- An inclined surface; a slope or gradient. 斜面;斜坡或斜道
- It is unnatural for sisters go be at variance. 姐妹之间不和是不近人情的。
- The facts are at variance with your story. 事实和你的故事有出入
- Gets or sets the center point of the path gradient. 获取或设置路径渐变的中心点。
- Gets the end color of the gradient used in the. 背景中使用的渐变的结束颜色。
- Just click on the gradient image. 在渐变图象沙锅内单击。
- Some variance of temperature is to be expected. 预料气温会有些变化。
- Specifies a gradient from left to right. 指定从左到右的渐变。
- Specifies a linear gradient fill. 指定线性渐变填充。