- The paper deals with the change point of the mean and variance of a normal distribution.The CUSUM estimators of the locations of the change point are presented. 摘要文章讨论了正态分布中均值与方差变点问题,给出了变点位置的CUSUM型估计,证明了此估计是真实变点位置的强相合估计;
- The result shows that the stability of N-P test of change point is not ideal. 结果显示,转点的N-P检验稳定性不很理想。
- In this paper, we study the nonparametric statistical inference for one distribution change point. 摘要本文研究了连续分布函数变点的非参数统计推断问题。
- Based on these coefficients, the improved BIC algorithm was employed to decide which point was the voice change point of speakers. 在此基础上,使用改进型BIC改变点检测算法检测说话人改变点。
- Hypersomnia and personality changes point toward the brain. |嗜睡和个性影响着大脑.
- The change point problem in the mean of a sequence of independent normal random variables is considered using CUSUM methods. 摘要运用累积和CUSUM的方法研究了独立正态随机变量序列均值变点问题。
- According to variance changing laws of a precise rotor radial rotating error motion, it can be proved that the rotor's motion track is characterized by fractional Brownian motion. 通过分析某精密转轴轴心径向回转误差运动轨迹的方差变化规律,证明该轴的回转运动具备了分数布朗运动的基本特征。
- In this paper,the existence of contagion was tested by the change point testing of quantile regression model,and the contagious degree was given simultaneously. 本文应用分位点回归模型的变点检测,检验了传染效应的存在性,并给出了传染程度大小的一种度量方法。
- The theoretic calculation shows the analysis mothed of wavelet packet not only can confirm the abrupt change point of the signal, but alse can confirm the fault degree and time in all frequency spectrum. 理论计算表明,应用小波包分析技术不仅可以确定信号的突变点,而且可以在全频范围内确定信号的突变发生的时间及程度。
- Most variances of time series have non-linear characteristics, that is, the variances change acutely sometimes, while they stay stable at other time. 大多数时间序列往往具有变方差的非线性特性,即某些时期的波动特别剧烈,而另一时期的波动又相对平稳。
- This paper also introduces a method using the gradient change points of vertical sections for the virtual transponder to realize single point locating. 文中还探讨了应用纵断面变坡点作为虚拟查询应答器实现单点定位的方法。
- My ideas are at variance with his. 我的思想和他的不同。
- Overcoming the shortcomings arising from use of BIC for acoustic change point detection forces the development of a novel method based on entropy of segmentation for acoustic change point detection. 为了克服基于贝叶斯信息准则(BIC)的音频跳变点检测方法存在的缺陷,提出了音频跳变点的分割熵检测算法。
- Nothing can set the twin brothers at variance. 没有什么事能使这对双胞胎兄弟吵起来。
- Detection of change points is a kind of im portent problems in statistic area.Commonly, to some extent, change point indicateabrupt-change of object, and has singularity. 变点识别是统计研究的一类重要问题,在通常情况下,变点预示着所研究的对象的某种突变性。
- Her conduct is at variance with her words. 她言行不一。
- This theory is at variance with the known facts. 这种理论与已知事实不符。
- By using Mexican-hat wavelet and Haar wavelet transform,the abrupt change points of Chinese temperature in the last 120 years are discussed. 用墨西哥帽小波和哈尔小波函数分析了我国气温变化的突变点位置 ,并用气温序列的 5 a滑动平均序列计算了信噪比 (S/ N) ,进一步验证了突变点的位置。
- We are at variance about our lodger. 我们在对待房客的问题上意见不一。
- These changes point up the fact that the withdrawal of the franchise is often a hangover of history rather than a carefully thought out sanction. 这些变化清晰的表明了这样一个事实,撤销选举权是一个历史遗留问题,而不只是一份深思熟虑的判决。