- variable rate stock 可变利率证券
- This is a variable rate mortgage. 这是可变利率抵押贷款。
- These are called variable rate bonds or floating rate notes (FRN). 这类债券称为“浮动利率债券”。
- Interest rate cap [IBRD]: A limit on the amount of interest that can be levied on a variable rate loan. 利率上限[国际复兴开发银行]:对可变利率贷款能够征收的利息额的限度。
- Enhanced Variable Rate Codec (EVRC) is one of the most applied variable rate speech coding technologies. 增强型可变速率编解码器EVRC以其较高的合成语音质量和较低的平均码率成为目前应用范围广泛的变速率语音编码技术之一。
- We implemented the enhanced variable rate codec in the VC++6.0 and measured its performance. 本文在VC++6.;0环境下实现了EVRC编解码器并对其性能进行了测试。
- The Eurosystem may execute its tenders in the form of fixed rate or variable rate tenders. 欧元体系的附买回交易投标得为固定利率或变动利率。
- A variable rate note on which the changes in coupon, or refixes, are based on a mismatched reference rate in terms ... 指一种浮动利率票据;其票面利率与所参照的基准利率在期限上错配;例如每个月重设一次票面利率;但参照的基...
- Interest rate cap [IBRD] A limit on the amount of interest that can be levied on a variable rate loan. Proposed for IBRD. 利率上限[国际复兴开发银行]对可变利率贷款能够征收的利息额的限度。供国际复兴开发银行贷款使用。
- From the start, ATM was designed to be switched, use virtual circuits, provide quality of service (QOS) guarantees, and support both fixed and variable rate transmissions. 从一开始,ATM就设计成交换式的、采用虚拟电路、提供服务质量(QOS)保证和支持固定速度或可变速度传输的。
- To the shortcoming of fixed bit rate of the full search algorithm, two variable rate codeword search algorithms are presented. 针对穷尽搜索算法比特率固定的缺点,提出两种变比特率码字搜索算法。
- Abstract: How to improve the rate of fertilization is an important theme, and the variable rate fertilizer applicator will be moreuseful in future. 摘 要: 提高化肥利用率是我们研究施肥技术的核心问题,而精准施肥技术将是未来的发展方向。
- I am mortgaging with CIBC right now.If I transfer my mortgage to TD, what is the variable rate that you can provide me?Any bonus if I t... 我现在有一万刀的现金要存起来;而且暂时不会用的;请问TD的利息是多少呢?我要怎样存才能获得最高的利息呢?或是你有啥好的高利息的银行介绍吗?谢谢回复...
- This paper concentrates on channel decoders that exploit the residual redundancy inherent in the enhanced variable rate codec bitstream. 本文致力于利用增强可变比率编码器中内在残留冗余信息的信道解码器。
- On the demand of precision agriculture of variable rate input technology, the homemade combined seed and fertilizer drill were successful manufactured. 摘要根据精准农业变量投入的技术要求,研制成功国产变量施肥播种机。
- From the start,ATM was designed to be switched,use virtual circuits,provide quality of service (QOS) guarantees,and support both fixed and variable rate transmissions. 从一开始,ATM就设计成交换式的、采用虚拟电路、提供服务质量(QOS)保证和支持固定速度或可变速度传输的。
- A variable rate calculated pursuant to the daily performance of the Worst Performing Security or the Best Performing Security on each Business Day in a Distribution Period2. 于分派期间2内,根据各营业日之表现最差证券或表现最佳证券之表现所厘定之可变比率。
- This paper proposes an algorithm which accomplishes variable rate demodulation based on pseudo high datarate demodulation and repeated decoding without reducing the sampling rate. 本文提出伪高倍速率解调和重复译码算法,在不降低采样率的情况下可实现不同符号率信号的解调。
- In spacecraft, hardware resources and energy are limited, which restricts the hardware consumption of the variable rate demodulation in Telemetry and Telecommand(TT&C) systems. 航天器上器件硬件资源和能量受限,对在测控系统中实现变速率解调所需的硬件资源提出了更高的要求。
- At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这样下去,我们不会有时间/钱去度假的。