- variable pesticide application 变量施药
- Abstract 1,2,4-triazole compounds played an important role in pesticide application. 1,2,4-三唑类杀菌剂在农药中占有重要的地位。
- Pesticide applicator should put on protective gears including face mask and rubber gloves during pesticide application. 施用除害剂的人员在施用除害剂时,须穿戴保护衣物(包括面罩和胶手套)。
- pesticide application technology 农药施用技术
- The seeds and the pesticide are both ready. 种子跟农药都准备好了。
- Tree crown recognition and precision toward-target pesticide application 树形识别与精确对靶施药的模拟研究
- A constant, variable, function name, or expression. 一种常数、变量、函数名或表达式。
- The prices are variable, shop around by all means. 价格高低不一,所以一定要货比三家逐店选购。
- The temperature was a variable in the experiment. 在该实验中温度是个变量。
- We made an application to the court for an inquiry. 我们曾请求法院调查。
- A finite increment in a variable. 变量增量变量的有限增量
- The application has been held up by red tape. 申请被官僚的繁文缛节所耽搁。
- The speed of the toy boat is variable. 玩具船的速度是可变的。
- Winds are mainly light and variable. 风力较弱,风向多变。
- Keys are available on application to the principal. 向校长申请就可得到钥匙。
- A programmed time delay of variable duration. 暂停,展宽一种由程序设置的可变持续时间的时间延迟
- You can obtain the application from the registrar. 你可以向注册人员索取申请书。
- He got an application in under the wire. 他在截止日期前交了申请书。
- The flea-infested room had to be sprayed with a strong pesticide. 房间里有跳蚤,得喷强力杀虫剂。
- Success as a writer demands great application. 要成为作家就得狠下功夫。