- Vapor Pressure Measurement of Supercooled Water. 超冷水水气压观测。
- The vapor pressure of water increases as the temperature is raised. 温度升高,水的蒸汽压也升高。
- The vapor pressure of a fluid at the critical temperature. 一种流体在临界温度下的蒸气压。
- Once the cold water enters the flack, the vapor pressure falls quickly. 一旦冷水进入长颈瓶,水气压就迅速下降。
- Turgor pressure (pressure potential) The hydrostatic pressure exerted by the contents of a cell against the cell wall. 膨压(压力势):是细胞内容物施加于细胞壁上的静水压。
- The vapor pressure changes with the temperature, the pressure, and kind of liquid. 蒸汽压随着温度、压力和液体种类而变化。
- Below the water table at static equilibrium, hydrostatic pressure potential increases with increasing depth. 在水面以下,当静态平衡时,静水压力随深度而增加。
- The vapor pressure varies with the temperature,the pressure,and the kind of liquid. 蒸汽压随着温度、压力和液体种类而变化。
- Molal solution are normally used when the physical properties of solutions, such as vapor pressure, freezing point and boiling point, are involved. 在涉及溶液的物理性质如蒸汽压,冰点和沸点时,通常使用重量克分子浓度。
- The presence of a nonvolatile solute in a liquid always lowers the vapor pressure of the solution. 溶液中存在的非挥发性溶质,总是使溶液的蒸气压降低。
- Molecular Weight of Hydrocarbons by Thermoelectric Measurement of Vapor Pressure, Method of Test for (05. 用蒸气压力的热电测量法测定烃类的分子重量的试验方法(05。
- Boiling point is defined as the temperature at which the vapor pressure is equal to that of the atmosphere. 沸点的定义就是气压等于大气压时的温度。
- As the temperature of a liquid is raised its vapor pressure increases very rapidly. 液体蒸汽压随着其温度的升高而十分迅速的增加。
- The vapor pressure changes with the temperature, the pressure, and the kind of liquid. 蒸气压力随温度、压力和液体类型这三种因素的变化而变化。
- The experimental vapor pressure were fitted to Antoine equation andcompared with literature data. 采用安托因方程拟合了蒸气压数据并与文献值作了比较。
- The formulas of vapor heat and of vapor pressure is derived and computed by the Enistein and Debye solid model. 用固体的Einstein模型与Debye模型分别导出相应模型的固气相变的蒸发热和蒸发压公式,并对其做了数值计算。
- In general the negative pressure potential of the xylem is equal to the water potential of the surrounding cells minus the osmotic potential that the solutes dissolved in the xylem sap creates. 一般来说木质部的负压潜力与周围的细胞的水潜力是相等的减在木质部树汁溶化的溶质创造的渗透的潜力的。
- Vapor Pressures of Petroleum Distillate Fuels, Calculation of True (05. 石油馏出燃料的蒸气压力的真实计算(05。
- The vapor pressure varies with the temperature, the pressure, and the kind of liquid. 蒸汽压随着温度、压力和液体种类而变化。
- Cylinder pressure, or the "vapor pressure"of the gas, is directly affected by ambient temperature. 钢瓶压力,或气体的“蒸气压”直接受到周围环境温度的影响。