- The really big bag sealed edges, round, square lapel Former high-dose packets back Yijuntuqi installed at home to unique cost-effective for customers with value for money services. 公司的大袋真四边封,圆、方翻领成形器大剂量背封包装机在国内也异军突起,以独特性价比为客户提供了物超所值的服务。
- Charter flights give the best value for money. 包机最划算。
- The main criterion is value for money. 主要的标准是要划算。
- Good value for money is what the housewife wants. 这位家庭主妇所希望的是物有所值。
- Every customer is looking for value for money. 每位顾客都在寻找价廉物美的商品。
- The main criteria is value for money. 主要的标准是钱要用的划算.
- You always get value for money at that shop. 你在那家商店里总可买到物有所值的东西。
- It's more expensive, but much better value for money. 为什么不这么看呢:它是贵了一点儿,但它物有所值啊。
- We believe visa applicants continue to receive value for money. 我们相信申请人将会继续得到物有所值的服务。
- Mark &Dick are genuine fanciers and value for money. 马克和迪克是有天分的鸽迷,他们的鸽子也非常值得。”
- And of course Logan Pickup offers unbeatable value for money. 当然,洛根皮卡提供资金无与伦比的价值。
- Bedford Garden is quite reasonable and value for money. 但区内缺少泳池,往往要游水就很麻烦。
- It has now included Value for Money studies which will further improve service to the public. 此外,又会进行多项衡工量值研究,以期进一步加强警队对市民的服务。
- At less than & 200 this smart, compact camera is good value for money. 这款相机价格不到200英镑,但真是物有所值。
- Australia also offers excellent value for money and a high standard of living. 澳大利亚的消费水平适中,可以提供优质的生活水平。
- The statistics show that Luton provides the best value for money for research. 数据还显示鲁顿大学对其科研经费加大的投入。
- Process of benchmarking by service providers assures airlines of value for money. 由服务供应商提供的定基准工序确保了航空公司的利益。
- You can buy cheaper but RENOLD SYNERGY chain gives the "best value for money"? Renold Synergy的寿命是其他品牌的6倍,是国产的一些低质量的链条的12倍。
- The restaurant offers good value for money and a lively, informal atmosphere. 在这个饭店消费物有所值,而且这里的氛围活泼而轻松。
- "No strangers in the world" is the slogan Giordano, Giordano more to value for money and excellent service known. "没有陌生人的世界"是佐丹奴的广告语,佐丹奴更以物有所值和卓越的服务闻名。